Forgetfulness The Video Was From 2007!

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Forgetfulness: *watching a video of a girl locked in a closet on YouTube*

Girl: Let me out!!! *from inside the closet*

Woman: *plays with the doorknob* You ain't never getting out!

Forgetfulness: Let her out!!!! Please!!!

Owen: Dude, this video is from 2007!

Forgetfulness: *reads* July 31st, 2007.

Owen: Why are you getting all upset over video from several years ago? The person that made this video probably isn't on YouTube no more. If you send a comment, you won't get a response.

Forgetfulness: I still think its not right! The woman never let the girl out, and the video is over!

Owen: Just leave it, okay? Don't watch videos like that, if they trigger you.

Forgetfulness: *tries not to cry* Why are people so mean?

Owen: Cause, they have no heart.

This story was written on Wednesday, October 26th, 2022.

A/N F, why are you getting all upset over a closet video from 2007? Its not worth getting all upset over! 😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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