Forgetfulness Gets A Filling

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Cromwell Dental

Country Squire Dr

Cromwell, Connecticut

Dr. Pam Wright: So, you haven't been brushing your teeth properly?

Forgetfulness: *in the dentist chair and stammers* No, Ma'am.

Dr. Pam Wright: *gets a needle and injects it into F's mouth to numb his gums*

Forgetfulness: Ow, that hurts!

Dr. Pam Wright: Oh, shut up! Its to numb your gums! Sheesh! *starts the procedure*

Forgetfulness: *feeling a bit of pressure, and slight pain by the drill* Ow!!!

Dr. Pam Wright: Shut up!!! Jeez!! *still drilling the cavity*

Forgetfulness: *muffled* I hate the dentist!!! Can you please use more novacane?

Dr. Pam Wright: No!!!! *still drilling*

Forgetfulness: *crying in pain* I hate this!!

Charlotte: *in the waiting room, reading a magazine, hearing F cry* What a wuss! Not my fault, he eats too much candy!

This story was written on Tuesday, October 11th, 2022.

A/N F, just chill out! The dentist numbed your gums, so you shouldn't feel any pain! But let that be a lesson to you! Limit your candy intake, and brush twice a day, and floss! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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