Our Trick Or Treating Adventure!!

12 3 24

Butternut St

Middletown, Connecticut

All Of Us: *at a house, lit up with Halloween lights, and a scary looking Jack o Lantern* Trick or treat!!!!

Woman: What a big crowd! Just look at those awesome costumes! That Harry Potter costume makes you look like a dork!

Steven: *in his Harry Potter costume* I resent that!

Lakeisha: She's only joking! *in her Catwoman costume* Ooh, Skittles!

Brandon: *in his Uncle Fester costume* Ooh, dark chocolate Kit Kats!

Dead Woman: *lying on the lawn*

Steven: *in his Harry Potter costume* You can cut out the act, sister! *opens her eyelids* You ain't fooling no one!

Woman: She's dead for real!

Steven: *in his Harry Potter costume* Uh........ *faints*

Ken: *in his Frankenstein costume* Jeez! I'm taking him home! You guys go on ahead! *drags Steven home*

Time skip......

Aresco Dr

All Of Us: Trick or treat!

MsJosephwrites26: Ooh, Twix! *in her Arabian princess costume*

SNan018: Steven is a wuss......

This story was written on Monday, October 31st, 2022. (Halloween)

A/N We are trick or treating on this mild Halloween night!!! Steven is a total wuss!!! Maybe, Halloween is just too much for him! 😂😂😂😂 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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