Kyle Has A Crush! 👀😏

7 1 14

Middletown High School

LaRosa Lane

Middletown, Connecticut

Kyle: *on his way to lunch*

Brunette Hair Girl: *wearing a black shirt, black leggings, white Nike socks, and white Nike sneakers, and on her way to lunch too*

Kyle: Whoa! What a girl! *in line getting lunch*

Brunette Hair Girl: *in line getting lunch too*

Kyle: *gets his lunch tray* Ooh, shells and garlic bread*

Brunette Hair Girl: *gets her lunch tray too*

Kyle: *sits down next to the brunette babe* Hey!

Brunette Hair Girl: Hey! *eats her shells*

Kyle: *thinking* Her chocolate brown eyes are so cute! Those eyelashes just scream beauty!

This story was written on Wednesday, October 26th, 2022.

A/N Ooh, Kyle's in love!! Get it, Kyle!!! Reel her in! 😏❤ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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