Another Friend Gone Too Soon.....

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Steven: *in the bathroom brushing his teeth, using Colgate toothpaste*

Ken: Steven, are you done?

Steven: *muffled* No.

Ken: Come out as soon as you can! Its very important!

Steven: Okay! *spits out the toothpaste, rinses out with water and Scope peppermint mouthwash* Better see what's so important. *walks out of the bathroom*

Ken: Steven, I have some sad news.

Steven: *worried* What happened?

Ken: Are you ready?

Steven: *impatiently* Yes, tell me already!

Ken: I just got off the phone with Iris.

Steven: Yeah?

Ken: She was watching the local news, and there was a car accident on Washington St.

Steven: Oh no! Did the driver survive?

Ken: No. And, you want to know who that driver was?

Steven: Who?

Ken: It was Brian. He died in a fatal car accident. It happened by the Sunoco mini mart.

Steven: *eyes wide and mouth wide open at this sudden revelation*

Ken: It was a hit and run incident! The driver that killed Brian drove off! He was rushed to Middlesex Health, where he was pronounced dead!

Steven: No words.......

Ken: I am very sorry, Steven. Iris was crying her eyes out when she told me. She was in hysterics.

Steven: Does everyone else know?

Ken: Not yet. You're the only one that knows. And Iris and I.

Steven: What about Emma? Are you gonna tell her?

Ken: Of course.

Steven: How is she gonna take it?

Ken: Not very well. I have to go to Iris's house, okay. She's all shaken up by this. She needs me right now.

Steven: Okay. I'm just shocked right now. I'm surprised you're not crying.

Ken: I did cry a little, when Iris told me. Just a few tears. I'm okay for now. I have to go. Get to bed. I'll be back later. *leaves*

Steven: I can't believe this. Brian died. I'm speechless. *realizes* Hey!!!! This is probably the best thing that's happened to me!! I hated Brian so much!!! Good riddance! First it was Margaret, now Brian!!! Wow! What a year!

This story was written on Tuesday, October 11th, 2022.

A/N You heard it here first. It is my sad duty to report that Brian has died in a fatal car accident on Washington St in Middletown. He was a good man. May he RIP. 1982-2022. 😢 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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