Ashley Got Turned Into A Rabbit

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Ashley: Rabbits are so cute!

Pam: They sure are!

Ashley: I wish I was a rabbit! *gets turned into a brown rabbit*

Pam: *shocked* Holy smokes!!! You got turned into a rabbit!!

Ashley: *in her rabbit form, hops around*

Pam: This is both funny and cute as the same time! *giggles*

Francis: Can she turn back into her human self?

Pam: I hope so.

Ashley: *still in her rabbit form, and starts nibbling on a carrot*

This story was written on Saturday, October 22nd, 2022.

A/N Oh dear! Ashley got turned into a rabbit! 😮 Will she ever get transformed back to her human self? Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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