Shayla Left A Huge Mess

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Ken: *sees the table is a huge mess with empty Burger King wrappers* Who left all this mess?

Pam: Wasn't me.

Shayla: I did.

Ken: Shayla, you can't expect me to clean up your mess, okay?

Shayla: Sorry.

Ken: Its okay. Just clean it up.

Shayla: *cleans up the mess*

Steven: Shayla got in trouble!

Shayla: Shut up, Steven!

Steven: I'm just joking!

Owen: Dude, just leave her be! Jeez!

This story was written on Wednesday, October 5th, 2022. (Yom Kippur)

A/N Shayla knows darn well, that she has to clean up her mess! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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