Downtown Middletown Has Been Overrun By Zombies!!!! 😰😰

6 2 10

Main St

Middletown, Connecticut

Brandon: What happened? Every business has been shut down!

Zombies: *wandering all over Main St*

Ashley: *screams* ZOMBIES!!!!

Zombies: Brains!!!!! *walking towards the duo*

Ashley: Its 12:38 am, and we should be home! Not on Main St, awaiting our doom!

Brandon: Who agreed to go on a midnight walk?

Ashley: *sighs* I did. *screams again* BUT LETS GET OUT OF HERE!!! *runs onto College St*

Brandon: *runs after Ashley* WAIT FOR ME!!!!

Zombies: *following the duo onto College St*

This story was written on Monday, October 31st, 2022. (Halloween)

A/N Downtown Middletown has been taken over by zombies!!!! 😱😱😱😱 The horror!!! 😰😰😰 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks, and Happy Halloween!!! 🎃❤

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