This Man Coughed In Austin's Ear

13 3 24

Dunkin Donuts

Shunpike Rd

Cromwell, Connecticut

Austin: *eats a sausage egg and cheese croissant, and drinks a Minute Maid apple juice*

Man: *walks up to Austin and coughs in his ear on purpose*

Austin: Don't do that!!!! *waves his arms*

Man: I just to cough, okay?

Claire: You didn't have to cough in his ear! That's a great way to spread germs!

Man: *coughs in Austin's ear again*

Austin: Stop!!!!!

Claire: Knock it off!! Cover your mouth when you cough!

Man: *laughing*

Claire: *beats up the man*

Man: *getting beat up*

Woman: That individual must have autism. I feel sorry for him. And as for that jerk, he's getting what he deserved!

Claire: *still beating up the man*

Man: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Monday, October 24th, 2022. (Diwali Hindu Festival Of Lights)

A/N That man is a jerk to set off Austin like that! Coughing in his ear?! Who does that?! If he was sick, he could have made Austin sick too! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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