Owen Don't Be So Harsh On Austin

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Austin: I hate it when people cough.

Owen: Coughing is a part of life.

Austin: I'll have you know I have Misophonia. A hatred of certain sounds.

Owen: Oh, boo hoo! You can't stop people from coughing! People cough when they are sick!

Claire: Well, he doesn't like it when people cough, okay?

Austin: Whenever I hear someone coughing, it makes me nervous, and fidgety! Also angry!

Claire: You poor guy! If I ever cough, I'll be sure to apologize, and not do it as much in your presence! *pats Austin on his back*

Austin: Thank you. Being an autistic individual with Misophonia is difficult. I can't even eat out in public, without someone coughing up a storm for several minutes at a time! It makes me want to isolate myself.

Claire: I can definitely sympathize.

Owen: Oh brother.

Claire: Be quiet!

This story was written on Wednesday, October 19th, 2022.

A/N I can totally relate to Austin on this! I hate when people cough too! It just makes me want to leave an area so fast! 😣 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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