Steven Needs To Quit Messing Around

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Steven: *playing GTA Online* Gotta get to Grapeseed!

Ken: Ahem!!!

Steven: What? *annoyed*

Ken: You're supposed to get ready for work! Not play video games!

Steven: Doing an important mission here!

Ken: *turns off the game console*

Steven: Dude!!!! What the heck?!

Ken: Get ready, before I beat the snot out of you!

Steven: *mutters* I wish you were dead.

Ken: What was that?

Steven: Nothing. *puts on his 5 Guys shirt, puts on his non slippery shoes and cap*

Ken: Now, get out of here.

Steven: Uh huh. *walks out of the apartment, and walks to Washington St*

This story was written on Thursday, October 20th, 2022.

A/N Steven is too busy playing video games, and he has to go to work! He'll be late again! If he wants to keep his job, he has to arrive to work on time! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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