Iris Has Got To Control Her Reactions

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Burger King

Silas Dean Hwy

Wethersfield, Connecticut

Iris: I would like a Whopper, no onions, and chicken fries.

BK Employee: *German accent* Anything else?

Iris: Also, a Hershey pie.

BK Employee: *German accent* $7.21.

Iris: *pays with a 20 and gets some change back*

Random Table: *loaded with half eaten Whopper Jrs, and ketchup and mustard stains*

Iris: *gets the wrong order* This isn't right, you moron!!!! I didn't order a Chicken Jr!!!!! I wanted a Whopper!

Charlotte: Iris, just relax! It was an honest mistake!

Iris: *growling like a dog*

Charlotte: *gets out a bone* Here, girl!!! Go get the bone! *tosses it*

Iris: *barks like a dog and runs after the bone*

Charlotte: That's bringing out the dog in Iris! *chuckles*

This story was written on Thursday, October 6th, 2022.

A/N Iris, you got to learn how to control your reactions! 😂😂😂😂 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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