Forgetfulness Woke Up His Neighbor

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Forgetfulness: Oh Romeo!! Where Art Thou?!!! *hears a knock on his door* I wonder who that is? *walks downstairs to open the door*

Neighbor: Was that you talking so loud?

Forgetfulness: Um......

Neighbor: I asked you a simple question. Was that you talking so loud?

Forgetfulness: Um......

Neighbor: Will you just answer me already?

Forgetfulness: No, sir.

Neighbor: Liar! You woke me up!!!! If I hear your voice again, I'm calling the police! Consider this a polite warning! *storms back home*

Forgetfulness: *whimpering*

This story was written on Wednesday, October 19th, 2022.

A/N F, just whisper next time! You woke up your neighbor! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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