Steven Wants To Learn How To Drive?

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Steven: I want to learn how to drive.

Owen: There's a newsflash.

Steven: I'm serious! All my life, I been taking public transportation, having Ken take me somewhere, and using Uber! I want to be independent on the road!

Charlotte: Getting your driver's license is not something that happens overnight! It takes a lot of practice behind the wheel!

Melvin: You have to take both the written and driving test! If you fail, you have to wait 28 days, before taking the test again!

Steven: *feels crestfallen*

Shelly: Its true! Have Ken take you out driving if you're serious about wanting to get your driver's license!

Steven: Okay. I want a BMW!

Shelly: Take it one step at a time!

This story was written on Wednesday, October 5th, 2022.

A/N Steven, you have get a lot of driving practice done, then sign up for Driver's Ed! You have to learn how to parallel park, back in, and switch lanes on the highway! But in my honest opinion, you will fail your driver's test! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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