Memories Of Brian

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Iris: I remember when Brian and I would always walk together on Butternut St. We would just have random conversations, and he would do voice impressions!

Brandon: Yes, he always made us laugh. He was a funny man.

Kyle: Indeed. He knew how to brighten anyone's day.

Ariel: Yup. He always made us smile.

Andrea: And, Brian would always correct Steven, if he did or said something rude or inappropriate.

Dorian: Yup.

Ken: I remember when we were in North Carolina this past summer, Brian rode with me to Ahoskie, to the meat place. He said he loved North Carolina, and wanted to go back again. *sighs sadly*

Me: And I remember he would always have my back, when someone messed with me.

Kara: And I remember when I didn't have enough money at Taco Bell, he spotted me.

Charlotte: Brian was a cool dude. We're all gonna miss him.

Brandon: Yup.

Steven: Blah blah blah.

All Of Us: *gives Steven a death stare*

Steven: What?

This story was written on Saturday, October 15th, 2022.

A/N A lot of memories with Brian. He was a good man. A heart of gold. And he had a funny personality. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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