Chapter One

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Y/N pov

My name is Y/N Y/L/N, but you already know that. I am a part of a band called Radio Silence. I play the guitar and piano and sing on some songs. We have a really dedicated fan base for our music. My best friend Tim Scott plays the bass. We have been best friends since high school. We both have each others back and are each others wing man when we need to be. I haven't had a long term relationship, they frighten me. I don't like being tied down to one woman. Maybe way in the future when I am older and more mature, since I am only 24. I have a life to live dude. Just like tonight, the guys and I decided to go to a club to let off some steam if you get what I mean. Of you do you bunch of horn dogs. 

"I need a drink." I shouted over the music to Tim as James and Lukas were already making out with their girlfriends. 

"Yeah I do too." Tim said as we both looked at the love birds in disgust. When we had ordered our drinks, I saw a brunette at the other end of the bar. She is exactly Tim's type. 

"Come on." I motioned to Tim before I made my way over to the woman. I tapped her shoulder. "Hey, have you met Tim." I said before pushing Tim in front of me. I watched proudly as they started to talk and were hitting it off. I do make an excellent wing woman if I do say so myself. I decided to head out and have a smoke since I never saw anyone who I want to conquer if you will. As I lit the cigarette in between my lips, someone joined me outside. My eyes ran over her body as she wore a tight black dress that complimented her form. She had brown hair and her eyes shone bright in the street lights. 

"May I?" She asked me with a smile that would make anyone swoon. I nodded and held the pack out for her to take one, which she did. I lit it for her when it was between her lips. She looked so much hotter when she blew the smoke out. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her as she stood beside me. 

"Are you here with anyone?" I asked her breaking the silence between us. When she looked at me, I knew I found my conquest. 

"Just some friends." She shrugged as she blew smoke in my face. 

"Do you maybe want to get out of here?" I asked her as she giggled. 

"I don't even know you." She spoke when she calmed down. 

"I'm Y/N." I said as I held my hand out for her to shake. 

"Lizzie." She said with a smirk.

"See, now we know each other." I stated making her chuckle.

"I guess we do." She nodded as I finished my smoke. 

"So would you like to get out of here? I have more beer or wine whatever you back at my apartment." I told her with a smile as she turned her body closer to mine as she threw her cig on the ground. 

"Lead the way." She whispered as she leaned in closer to kiss my cheek. I could feel junior starting to grow at that move she just made. I held my arm out for her to take which she did. I flagged down a cab for us and told the driver my address. All throughout the ride, she had her hand on my thigh slowly edging it up to my growing friend. She knew what she was doing because she had her lip between her teeth with a smirk playing around her lips. Once we pulled up I quickly paid the driver and pulled Lizzie to the elevator and pressed my floor number. Once the doors closed she was quick enough to latch her lips on mine in a needy kiss full of lust. I gripped her ass and pulled her flush against me and slipped my tongue through her parted lips moaning at the taste of alcohol and tobacco on her tongue. Once the doors opened I pulled her behind me as fast as I could because I could feel my pants getting tighter the more I thought about the sexy woman behind me.

Once the door was closed, I kissed her hard holding the side of her neck with one hand and the other at her hip as she gripped the collar of my shirt. We both stumbled to my room without breaking the kiss. I reached around and unzipped her dress as she made quick work on my shirt. She stepped back and out of her dress before quickly latching herself back to me, not giving me time to admire her half naked form. She made quick work of my pants and we were both left in our underwear. I pushed her down on the bed and hovered over her. Taking in her flushed features as my body was pressed against hers. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked her. I may be a player but I still need consent before I do anything they might regret. 

"I am sure." She breathed out before she pulled me back down to meet her lips in a bruising kiss. She arched her back allowing me to remove her bra. I started to kiss and suck her neck, earning a loud moan when I found her sweet spot. My hands softly grazed down her body earning goosebumps in my wake. I started to kiss down the valley of her breasts before taking a nipple in my mouth. Sucking harshly on the hardening bud as she held my head down as I teased it with my teeth. I massaged the other breast as she was a moaning mess beneath me. I switched breasts giving them both the same attention before I released her nipple with a pop. She pulled me up and I was met with a hard kiss. She forced her tongue in my mouth making me groan at her confidence which I found extremely hot. We were a mess of teeth and tongue as I ran my right hand down her body and cupped her clothed core. Applying some pressure to her covered clit as she bucked her hips into my hand. Her hands left my shoulders as she reached down and shimmied out of her underwear leaving her completely bare underneath me. I ran my fingers through her folds, both of us moaning because of how wet she already was. I dipped two fingers into her core and started to thrust at a steady pace. I went deeper and harder with each thrust, watching as her body moved with each movement I made. Her eyes were closed tight and her mouth agape as the moans that left were like music to my ears. "Fuck. More." She breathed out which I complied and added another finger going faster and curling my fingers hitting her g spot. She moaned louder when I found it which made me smirk. I could see the sweat forming on her forehead as she got closer to her orgasm. I could feel her clench around my fingers as I struggled to add a fourth. "I'm gonna....Y/N!!" She screamed as she came all over my hand. I helped her ride out her high before I pulled my fingers out and tasted her sweet juices as she moaned at the sight. She sat up and kissed me hard moaning at the taste of herself as she helped remove my sports bra and boxers. She pushed me so I was lay on my back.

"We need a condom." I told her as I pointed to my night stand which she reached over, her beautiful breasts hovering in my face. Once she had a condom, she opened it and put it on junior before she hovered over me. I moaned at the sight of her dripping core slowly taking me in bit by bit until I was completely in. She started to roll her hips making me moan as I felt the warmth of her around me. I held her hips and met her thrusts harshly as we both chased our high. I sat up and took one of her breasts in my mouth, sucking harshly giving her more pleasure. She pulled my head up and kissed me sloppily as her movements began to falter. I started to help guide her movements as I could feel myself getting closer to the edge. With a few more thrusts, we both came screaming each others names. I held her close to me as we both came down from our highs. I helped her lift off of me and smirked as she collapsed on the bed beside me. I got up and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up before returning with a wet towel and I gently cleaned her up. As much as I love one night stands, it is nice to provide after care. That's just who I am. I lay down beside her and covered the two of us as she was sleeping before I fell asleep myself. 


The first chapter of the book based on the one shot Kiwi. Let me know what you guys think. I love you all 3000

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