Chapter Seven

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Y/N pov

Lizzie stayed over at my apartment last night after the club. The band decided that we would take some time out as we looked for another guitarist to replace James. I was making some breakfast for the both of us as she was sat in the living choosing what we were watching this morning. I honestly don't know what it is about this woman but she makes me feel safe. She makes me feel at home and that scares the shit out of me. I only ever felt like this with Sally and I don't know if I can let someone in like that just to lose them again. 

I walked over to the sofa with our breakfasts as Lizzie decided on Nightmare Before Christmas as we ate. I smiled as she sang along to all of the songs. It was nice just being like this with her. I could just be me and not worry about people not liking me. She made it easier. 

"Can you teach me how to play?" She asked me as she held the guitar in her hands. I smiled and nodded as I taught her the chords that she didn't know. I sat opposite her and she looked so fucking sexy holding the guitar.

 I sat opposite her and she looked so fucking sexy holding the guitar

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The concentration as she played. She asked me to teach her a song so I decided to teach her how to play Ring of Fire as I got my other acoustic and joined her. Whenever she got it wrong she laughed and I couldn't help but smile at her. The way her eyes smiled when she was extremely happy made me happy to see. We didn't need to constantly have sex, we just hung out. So when she decided to take a nap, I took out Sally's journal that Lukas gave me and I flipped to the page of the lyrics that she started but couldn't quite finish. As I thought about both Sally and Lizzie and how they both made me feel. The words just started to flow through me. I sat at the piano that I had in my living room and started to play with the keys until I got the perfect melody for it. 

(AN: Listen to Corey Taylor - Home)

Ooh yeah

I know there's something on your mind
I know you've given up at least a thousand times
I know you were always there for me
It's all together now
Fill my life and give me eyes to see

I don't know if I can change, I don't know what to believe
But I know that I can find my way if you confide in me

I wanna run away and show you all the things I wanna do
I wanna run away as quickly as we can
You're my home away from home
Home's inside of you
But you are not alone, you'll never be alone
I'm on my way back home and I've been gone so long

Ooh yeah

I know I only have to try
'Cause I was always yours and you were always mine
Now you're here, you're here with me
It's all together now
Fill my life and give me eyes to see

Of all the roads in front of me
When the walls are cold and I can't breathe
I know you're in my heart

'Cause I wanna run away and show you all the things I wanna do
I wanna run away as quickly as we can
You're my home away from home
Home's inside of you
But you are not alone, you'll never be alone
I'm on my way back home and I've been gone so long

I smiled when it was finally finished and I written down the chords for it. I finally finished the last song that Sally had worked on and I knew that I had to show Lukas so I decided to call him.

"Hey Y/N, what's up?" He asked me.

"Hey, do you remember that last song that Sally was working on and she never got to finish it?" I asked him as my eyes remained glued to her journal. 

"Yeah I remember." He told me as I smiled. 

"I finished it." I told him as I smiled with a tear slipping from my eye.

"That's awesome Y/N. Bring it with you when you come to the studio next week before we see the guitarists that we have lined up." He told me. 

"I will do. I'll see you later Lukas." I told him as he bid his goodbye before we hung up. I placed the journal back in it's spot before I noticed Lizzie leaning against the door with a soft smile. 

"That was amazing Y/N." She said tenderly as she walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my chest. Little does she know that she was the one who gave me the inspiration to finish it. The only two girls to ever have my heart are always with me. 

I was sat beside Sally's hospital bed as she slept. I was reading Stephen King Misery because he is my favourite author. Maybe I'm just a psycho. I was soon disturbed when I heard Sally groan. I quickly placed the book down and grabbed her water and helped her take some. She gave me a soft smile before she spoke. 

"You don't have to be here Y/N." She told me tenderly as I held her fragile hand in mine. 

"I will never leave you darling." I told her sternly. "I don't want to leave you." 

"I love you Y/N Y/L/N." She whispered as she cupped my cheek with her other hand.

"I love you too. So fucking much." I told her as she smiled softly with tears in her eyes.

"I want you to have this." She said as she reached over for her journal and handed it to me. "Promise me you'll finish our song." She said as I felt the tears fill my eyes as I nodded. 

"I promise." I whispered before I kissed her softly. She was the woman who I saw my future with and now with her leaving me, my future is uncertain. No one will ever know the pain that I felt in this moment not knowing that that would be the last conversation and kiss that I will ever share with the woman before me. 

Lizzie's pov

I could tell that something was playing on Y/N's mind as she cooked dinner for the two of us and she kind of put some distance between us both. I just wanted to know why, when today had been perfect up until now.


Another chapter guys and a cheeky pic of the queen herself. I personally thinks she looks cute with the guitar and should be put in our pocket and protected at all costs. Such a beautiful soul she is. Let me know what you guys think.

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