Chapter Twenty Four

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Lizzie's pov

I was sat with our baby boy in my arms. Taking in his features. How he looks so much like Y/N when he sleeps. It has been a few hours since mum left to find out some news on Y/N.

"Mum told us you were here." Ashley broke me from my thoughts.

"Is there any news on Y/N?" I asked her as she shook her head no. "I need Y/N here. She has to be here. We haven't even given him a name."

"Mum will call when she knows. All we know as of now is she lost conciousness in the car before they brought her here. She has been in surgery for a few hours." Ashley told me. I felt my heart stop as I remembered they wanted to get Y/N out first because of her injuries but she wouldn't let them.

"Oh my god." I gasped as the tears filled my eyes. The wordt case scenario filling my brain. "I can't lose her Ashley. I can't."

"I know Lizzie." Ashley came round to comfort me. "She will be fine. She has you and this little guy."

"We haven't picked a name." I cried as Ashley held my hand. "She needs to help me pick a name."

No One pov

The doctors all worked relentlessly to save Y/N. She has suffered from multiple contusions, internal bleeding in the abdomin. Also bleeding on the brain. Also nerve damage to her left side.

"What are the stats?"

"Bp is dropping."

"Come on Y/N."

"She is going into asystole."

"Get the paddles. Charge to 100." 


"She's still not in rhythm."

"Charge to 200."


"She's back in synus rhythm."

"Let's get her back so she can meet her son."

The doctors continued with further complications. Managing to tackle each injury. Closing them all one by one. When they had managed to put her on a ventilator, they moved her to recovery to keep an eye on her sats for the next 30 minutes before transferring her to a ward.

The two surgeons made their way to the waiting room. Were Jarnette was sat beside MK and Y/N's dad.

"How is she?" He asked them as they sigh

"She is stable but she had suffered mulitple contusions. She also had internal bleeding in the abdomen which we had managed to stop. She has also suffered some nerve damage on her left side. She also had a bleed on the brain. We managed to put in a stent but the swelling of the brain is too much to tell if she will make a full recovery." They said. "We will be monitoring the swelling everyday with scans to make sure that she is improving or if she may need another surgery. But she is currently in a coma and we had to put her on a ventilator."

"Can we see her?" Jarnette asked as the doctors nodded.

"I'll uh. I'll go and tell Lizzie." Y/N's dad said as he wiped his eyes.

"Are you sure?" Jarnette asked him as he nodded.

"I uh I can't see my baby girl like that." He said as he shook his head. "I can't do it."

Jarnette pulled him in for a hug before he went towards Lizzie's room. As he reached the door he took a deep breath before entering.

Lizzie's pov

I smiled when I saw Y/D/N, but I could see right through his smile as he approached me.

"He's beautiful." He whispered as he smiled at him.

"Is there any news?" I asked him. I watched as he sighed before he started to speak. As he said the word coma, everything became muffled. My Y/N was in a coma. If they had gotten her out first, she may be in a much better state.

"I'm so sorry Lizzie." He whispered as Ashley rubbed circles on my back after she placed the baby in the cot provided. "Your mum and MK are with her now. I uh I just couldn't see her like that. Not my little strummer."

"Will she be able to play again?" I asked him as he gave me a sad look.

"I uh I don't think so. With the extent of the nerve damage and until they can see how her brain activity is when the swelling goes down." He told me. "But it is highly unlikely."

"Music is her life." I whispered as he sighed as he looked over the baby.

"It was her life." He told her. Keeping his eyes on his grandson. "The moment she chose you over her, she chose her life."

"But she did't know about the repercussions of her decision." I told him.

"The baby's alive and well yes." I nodded. "You are alive and well." I nodded again. I only have a bruised chest and shoulder from the whiplash and some cuts from the shattered glass. "She made sure you two are safe. That was her main goal. She had already lost someone she loved more than life itself. She wouldn't survive going through that again."

I just listened as he spoke before I spoke up.

"I want to see her." I told them. He just nodded and left the room to get a wheelchair.

"Are you sure about this Lizzie?" Ashley asked me as I wiped my eyes.

"I'm sure. I need to see her. She needs to know how much I love her. How much she means to me." I told her. "Will you stay with the baby?" I asked her as she nodded. When Y/D/N came back with the wheelchair. He helped me in it before he wheeled me to Y/N's room. I wasn't ready for this.

I gasped when I saw her covered in gauze and a tube down her throat. Knowing that just less than 24 hours ago, we were just leaving my mum's.

"Oh baby." I whispered as he wheeled me closer.

"We'll give you a minute." Mum told me as they all left the room. Leaving me alone with Y/N.

"Please wake up Y/N. I need you with me." I cried as I took her hand in mine. "We still need a name for our son. I don't want to name him something I know you will tease me about. Just please come back to me."


Another chapter is here dude. This will be ending in the next chapter guys. But the second book will be called Call You Mine based off of Daughtry's song Call You Mine. There will also be a wee time jump in it too but there will be flashbacks for the time in between.

But I need your help with the name. So please vote below.

Jakob Y/L/N-Olsen

Kai Y/L/N-Olsen

Alec Y/L/N-Olsen

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