Chapter Twenty Two

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Y/N pov

Lizzie's due date is getting closer and closer. Now she is 38 weeks pregnant and well the only nice way of saying it is well, she can be a bitch.

"So, my mum has invited us for dinner this evening." Lizzie told me.

"What time should we be there?" I asked her knowing that if I just winged it. I would well, the beast would come out and it isn't a pretty sight.

"7pm." She said as she stood up and joined me in the kitchen. "Whatcha making?" She asked me as she looked over my shoulder.

"Anchovies on toast." I told her. Evem though she can see what I am making her, sarcastic answers will get me castrated.

"Ooh. Have I told you I love you." She said as she kissed my cheek.

"All the time." I lied. She hasn't really said it to me much lately but I have just been putting it down as the hormones.

She went back to her spot on the sofa as I continued to make her snack for her before going to get myself dressed, ready for dinner tonight.

But I just have this sick feeling in my stomach. Absolutely nervous about something but I don't quite know what.

"Are you ready?" I called up the stairs.

"Just a moment." She called back as I made sure I had everything I needed. "I'm here." She spoke with a smile. I smiled at her as she approached me wearing a white dress.

"You look stunning

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"You look stunning." I breathed out. She smiled at me before I held the door for her.

"Thank you." She smiled as I opened the door. It's been extremely different since she came home. Like she is slowly pulling away from me.

When we pulled up in her mum's driveway, I grabbed the flowers for Jarnette before opening Lizzie's door for her. I held my hand out for her which she didn't take. So I followed her up to the house, stood behind her as she knocked. I watched as she greeted her mum with a smile and a hug before she walked inside.

"What's up with her?" Jarnette whispered to me as Lizzie was no longer in ear shot.

"Beats me." I shrugged wanting to know myself. "Anyway, these are for you."

"Thank you Y/N." Jarnette smiled at me before pulling me in for a hug. "Well dinner is almost ready, so Y/N, can you help me with the table."

"Of course." I smiled before kissing the top of Lizzie's head before following Jarnette into the kitchen.

"Has something happened between you two?" She asked as she grabbed the plates and handed them to me.

"I honestly don't know. She's been distant with me since a couple of weeks after she came home." I told her honestly. "It's like I can feel her pulling away from me."

"I'm sure it's nothing." She said as we both set the table before she went to get the food as I got the water's for the three of us.

I listened as both Jarnette and Lizzie were talking baby and women things. Watching how Lizzie beamed when she spoke with her mum before her looked faltered when her eyes landed on me.

"I've got it Mama J." I told her as I grabbed everyones dishes and took them to the kitchen.

"What did you do for her to look at you like that?" Jarnette asked me.

"Nothing. I have literally been at her beck and call for weeks. Months even." I told her as I washed the dishes. "I just need to know what it is that I have done so I can fix but she barely talks to me either."

"It could just be the hormones." She told me.

"That's what I keep telling myself." I told her. She just gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze before she went back to Lizzie. When I was finished with the dishes, I stood, leaning up against the door frame, seeing that smile I used to see all of the time as she spoke with her mum.

"You ready to go Y/N?" She asked me as I flinched at the lack of endearing pet names.

"Of course." I smiled at her, giving Jarnette a hug before heading to the car. Opening Lizzie's door for her.

When Lizzie was situated within the car safely. I gave Jarnette one final wave before getting in and driving home. The drive was silent. Just the sound of the radio faintly playing in the background. I went to reached for Lizzie's hand with my free hand but she pulled away. I let a frown appear on my face, but before I could question her, there was a crash into the drivers side. My side of the car, sending us flipping. I could hear Lizzie's screams as I went unconcious.

No One's pov

The car was lay, wrecked on the roof. Lizzie was in histerics as she felt pain where the seatbelt dug in. She looked over to see Y/N slumped forward. Unresponsive

"Please don't do this to me Y/N." She whispered as she tried to get free but failed. Y/N began to come round to the sound of sirens.

"Lizzie?" She spoke dazed. "You ok?"

"I'm ok." Lizzie whispered. "I'm scared Y/N."

"You're going to be fine. You both are." Y/N told her reassuringly as the sirens got closer. Lizzie reached for Y/N's hand as they waited. "Just breathe ok love. Just breathe."


Another chapter is here guys. This fic is almost over too and will be a two fic series. Please let me know what you think

Kiwi (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem GiP ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now