Chapter Twelve

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Lizzie's pov

I woke up wrapped up in Y/N's arms, their hand resting on my stomach. I couldn't help but smile as the thoughts of our future filled my mind. The memories of yesterday's argument coming back to me. I needed to apologise for not telling her sooner about  Atlanta. Even though she told me that she will come with me until she is needed back here for the band. They are still looking for a guitarist to replace James since the argument he had with Y/N, which after she confided in me of that made me hate him myself. I have never lost someone that I love the way she has and I know that it will break me. It just shows that she is either strong or she just pushes it all away and ignores it.

"Morning love." She whispered as she kissed my neck. I smiled at the feeling of her lips on my skin. 

"Morning baby." I spoke as I turned around to face her. "Are you still sure about coming with me to Atlanta?" I asked her wanting to make sure she doesn't feel pressured to come. She gazed at me lovingly as her hand reached up to caress my face. I closed my eyes at the feeling of her calloused hands from playing guitar on my skin.

"I am sure Elizabeth. I want to be with you to make sure that you are ok." She told me softly as she gazed in my eyes before she captured my lips in a soft gentle kiss. Neither of us were pushing to deepen it. "I will always go wherever you go." She whispered as she rested her forehead on mine as she looked at me with so much love. I watched as she kissed my cheek before she got up and went into the bathroom to do her morning routine as I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her. When she came out of the bathroom I couldn't help but smile as she walked over to me and looked down into my eyes. "What do you want for breakfast?" She asked as she cupped my cheek. A sensation that sent the butterflies in my stomach wild. 

"Blueberry pancakes." I whispered as she smiled and nodded at me. She gave me a tender kiss before she stepped away and walked through the door. I couldn't help the silly smile on my face as I went to do my morning routine. It felt really nice to have someone who was so gentle and caring. Something I never thought she would be capable of given her past. 

I walked downstairs to the sound of Free - All Right Now and Y/N singing and dancing to it she flipped the pancakes in the pan. I smiled at the sight before me as she spun around and beamed at me. Once she had finished the last pancake, she walked up to me and kissed me softly making my heart flutter. 

"So do you want a tea or OJ?" She asked me softly. 

"OJ." I confirmed as she kissed me again before she poured the drinks and placed them by our plates before she pulled the chair out for me to sit and push me in before taking her seat beside mine. 

"So, I have a band meeting today with the guys." She told me as she took a bite of pancake. "It's about the new guitarist that we're looking for and I'm going to tell them that I will be coming with you to Atlanta for a couple months until we are scheduled to be back in the studio." She told me and my smile slightly faultered which she caught on. "But you're coming with. It's going to be at Lukas's place. We don't like to have our meetings at public places. Too many ears if you get me." She told me making me smile. 

"That sounds great baby." I smiled at her which she reciprocated as she finished her breakfast. When we both had finished she took our dishes to wash as I went to get dressed.

Y/N pov

I smiled at the thought of bringing Lizzie into my life more including with these band meetings and maybe she can accompany me to award ceremonies and I on her red carpet events if she is comfortable with it. Once I had finished putting the dishes away after I dried them, I heard footsteps coming towards me and I couldn't help the smile on my face at how adorable she is.

 Once I had finished putting the dishes away after I dried them, I heard footsteps coming towards me and I couldn't help the smile on my face at how adorable she is

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"You really are my innocent girl aren't you?" I spoke with a smile. I admired the way she had her hair done and the shy smile she wore on her face before she kissed me tenderly. 

"I'm clearly not so innocent." She whispered as she rested her hand on her stomach. I shook my head no and I kissed her softly. She really makes me want to be a better version of myself. She truly does and I will be the best version I can be for her. Her and our baby.

"Well this." I spoke as I rested my hand on her stomach. "Was just a happy accident." I smiled at her which she returned before she kissed me softly. I held my hand out to her and she happily took it as we walked to my car after she locked up the house. I opened the door for her to get in which she did happily. Once I made me way to the drivers side, she leaned over and kissed my cheek making me smile at the feeling of her lips on my skin. I started to drive with a wide smile on my face as Lizzie chose the music. She decided to put on some Taylor Swift. I smiled as she sang along to I Knew Were Trouble before I started to join in. 

"I didn't know you liked Taylor?" She spoke shocked making me laugh.

"Why?" I asked her as I turned onto the estate near Lukas's place. 

"Because I have only ever heard you listen to Free, Deep Purple or Def Leppard and the likes of them." She told me as I laughed. 

"I like to sing some Taylor when I'm in the shower or maybe I settle on some Miley too." I smirked at her shocked state at my revelation as I parked outside Lukas's place. I helped Lizzie out the car before we both walked up the path before I knocked and Tim answered the door for me.

"You know you made me lose the best wingman ever." He told Lizzie making me laugh as he soon pulled her in for a hug. "It's nice to see you again." He told her when he led the two of us inside as I closed the door behind me. We were met by Lukas and Brit sat on the sofa together. I let Lizzie take the only arm chair as I remained stood behind her. 

"So where are we on the whole guitarist situation?" I asked the two men before me as my queen sat in front of me. 

"Well we have put out an add in the studio but until we can find someone who will be good enough, we were thinking that maybe you could do both the lead and back up guitar sequences when we're back in the studio." Lukas spoke as I nodded with a smile. 

"Of course I can do that man, we need to find someone as good as Sally." I spoke as he nodded at me. "Well also we could do with a break. The three of us. We aren't breaking up, just a two month vacation. Just some time to spend with our families." I finished as Tim and Lukas smiled at me in agreement. Lizzie looked up at me with a soft smile then I remembered that neither of us have told our parents about our situation or even met them. 


A nice fluffy one guys. Let me know what you think. 

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