Chapter Eighteen

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Y/N pov

It has been a few weeks now since we have been here. I have spent most of my time either on set, in Lizzie's trailer or at the apartment. But today is the day that we have both been waiting for.

Today is the day we find out the sex of the baby.

"Do you have everything you need my love?" I called out to her.

"I do." She yelled back. I smiled when I saw her walk towards me with a smile on my face.

"I swear you get even more beautiful every day." I complimented her. One thing I have picked up. Complimenting her at any chance keeps the hormonal rage monster at bay.

"Thank you baby." She blushed as she gave me a kiss. I held the door open for her and I carried her bag for her. The journey to the doctors was farely quick.

"I'm so nervous." I spoke quietly causing Lizzie to glare at me.

"Why are you nervous? You're not the one who has to push a football out of your vagina." She spoke harshly. I just smiled because of her instant mood swing.

"Ms Olsen." Her name was called and we were led through to an examination room.

"Hello, I'm Dr Francis." They introduced themselves. "You're here to find out the gender correct?"

"Yes." Lizzie spoke as she pulled her shirt up just to show her belly. She has a small bump and she honestly looks amazing to me.

"Well let's get that info for you and make sure everything is growing as it should be." They said as they started. "You see there." They pointed to the screen. "That is it's little arm."

I watched in awe as they also played the heartbeat for us to hear. I couldn't help but shed a happy tear as I heard it.

"He is growing just fine." They told us.

"He?" Lizzie whispered.

"It's a boy?" I asked at the same time.

"Congratulations guys." He smiled at the two of us as he printed off a picture. I kissed Lizzie softly as I helped clean the gel off of her stomach.

"I can't believe it." She whispered as we walked hand in hand towards the car.

"Me too." I smiled brightly at her. "We're gonna have a little boy here in 20 weeks." I smiled at her as she nodded before gripping my shirt and kissing me passionately. "Our own little family."

I opened the door for her before getting in the drivers seat. I listened as she called her mum to tell her the news. I couldn't help but smile at her excitement. I couldn't wait to start this next chapter of our lives.

Just as I was excited it quickly done a 180 into doubts. My mum wasn't always there for me. She loved her job more than she loved me. What if I become just like her. What if I push our son away when he needs me most.

Every single doubt. Every single memory I have with my mother and there isn't many.

Lizzie's pov

After I had finished telling my mum the sex of the baby, I noticed that Y/N had completely shut down. They had a bright smile on their face a moment ago and no they have a distant look on their face.

"Baby?" I called out to them. I watched as they drove home mindlessly. "Y/N, please talk to me."

They sighed as they pulled over before they looked at me. I could see the tears in their eyes threatening to fall.

"What's going on baby?" I asked her softly. I played with the baby hairs at the back of her neck hoping to give her some sort of comfort.

"What if uh what if I'm not good enough?" She whispered. It broke my heart how broken she sounded. "What if I turn out exactly like my mum. I don't want to be like her Lizzie. I don't."

"You won't be like her Y/N." I spoke softly as I remained eye contact. "You will be an amazing mum to our son. I know you will." I cupped her cheek with my other hand. "I know you have issues with trust and love and all those things. I understand that you lost someone you loved when you were young. But I am certain you will be an amazing parent to our son. I know you will because you were also raised by your dad and I know he was the one who had the most influence in you following your dreams." I wiped a tear that managed to fall. "I will be by your side as we raise our son together. I will be with you step by step. I love you so much Y/N."

"I love you too." She whispered to me before she closed the gap and kissed my lips tenderly. I smiled when we pulled away and watched as a smile grew on her face. "Let's get you inside baby." She said as she got out and ran to my side to open my door for me. I couldn't help smile at the sight of my Y/N being back after their slight breakdown.


It's been a while. Please let me know what you think guys

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