Chapter Twenty One

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Lizzie's pov

We finally wrapped up shooting and I couldn't be happier to be going home to Y/N. We have spent a couple of months apart and facetime doesn't do justice. Especially when you need some sort of release.

So I am walking through security through the sea of people, looking for my Y/N. Who I didn't recognise her as she was holding a bouquet of flowers. I increased my pace to get to her quicker which she met me half way.

I instantly wrapped my arms around her neck as she held the flowers away from us both as her other hand wrapped around my waist. I pressed my lips against hers in a soft kiss.

"God I missed you." I whispered as we pulled away.

"Hello to you too." She smirked as I kissed her again. "These are for you." I beamed as I took the flowers before kissing her cheek. She took a hold of my bag before holding my free hand in hers.

"We still need baggage claim." I reminded her as she nodded. She brought my hand up to her lips and pressed a gentle kiss to my knuckles.

"I really have missed you you know." She told me as we walked together at a steady pace. "I was so bored around the house I decided to baby proof. I asked Tim to help me too."

"How did that go?" I asked her as she chuckled.

"Well he kept mumbling about how he has lost his best wingman, well wingwoman because she decided to knock some bird up." She chuckled as I joined her.

"He really is a sour puss." I said as she nodded in agreement.

"He is. But he is my best friend and I wouldn't change him." She said as we stood, waiting for my luggage. "Our baby will have the best extended family. Between your family and my dad and the band. They are going to be spoilt."

"They will be." I sighed before going to reach for my luggage but Y/N beat me to it.

"Let's go home so you can put your feet up." She told me with a smile.

"Can I get a foot massage?" I asked her as she nodded.

"Anything for you my love." She told me. We walked to the car hand in hand. She opened my door for me before putting my luggage in the trunk. I couldn't help but smile at her as she drove.

"I really really missed you." I told her as she drove. I watched a smile form on her face before she turned to face me.

"You have no idea how much I missed you." She told me.

"So tell me. What did I miss?" I asked her as she smiled.

"The guys are really loving this new album. Tim isn't the biggest fan of our new music since they're sappy love songs." She told me making me chuckle.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Really. I have been working on another but it's a little choppy." She told me.

"Can I see how far you've got with it?" I asked her as she shook her head. "Please baby?"

"Fine." She caved making me squeal in excitement. "Just because it's you."

The rest of the drive home was fast. Y/N helped me inside before getting my luggage and taking it to our room.

"I have ordered from your favourite chinese and now give me your feet." She told me when she finally joined me on the sofa. I gave her my feet as she started to massage them. Telling me all about the new album they're making.

"I can't wait to hear it." I told her with a smile as she spoke animatedly. "But right now I want to hear that song."

I watched as she groaned before getting her guitar. I noticed it's the one she had since school and it has the initials S.O. scratched into the finish.

"Just bare with me. It's not really complete with the music just yet." She told me as I nodded. Giving her my full attention.

(AN: Listen to She by Jake Scott)

She's the light in a dark room
She smiles with her eyes, it'll hold you
In a moment you know you'll never walk away
She's never been one to hold back
If there's something on her mind, you're gonna know that
And you're gonna wanna listen to every word she'll say

She's a bullet that's about to fire
She's the steady that'll keep you sane
If loves a fool then I'm a liar
I know she's the only way

She sees colours that I can't see
And she knows me, even when I don't
She knows where she goes
I will go because I am home
Where she

"That's all I've got so far. I'm hoping to have it finished for the album." She told me as she placed the guitar down.

"It's amazing Y/N." I whispered as I played with the back of her neck. "You're amazing."

She kissed me softly, holding my cheek. It was a gentle loving kiss. One that neither of us rushed. Only pulling apart when the door bell rang.

"That's dinner." She whispered as she stood up. I admired her as she walked away to answer it. Smiling wider when I smelt the food.

"Oh god I am so hungry." I groaned as she placed the containers out on the table. Grabbing the tangerine chicken and digging in straight away making her chuckle.


Another chapter is here dudes. Please let me know what you think

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