Chapter Eight

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Lizzie's pov

It has been a couple of weeks since the night I spent with Y/N and she taught me how to play Ring of Fire. I honestly love spending time with her and I want to spend my life with her but she is someone who doesn't settle down. I was also a week late and I was scared. It wasn't until Scarlett walked into my trailer and saw my dishevelled state. She locked my door before joining me and rubbing her hand up my back soothingly. 

"What's wrong Lizzie?" She asked me softly as I just shook my head as the tears came. 

"I'm late." I told her as she looked at me shocked. I watched as she stood up and left. 

"Don't you dare knock on for Lizzie right now. She needs her rest. She has a migraine." I heard her tell someone making me chuckle slightly. I only waited a few minutes before she came back with a brown bag and locked the door behind her again. "I have kept these since Colin and I are trying. Go and do one and I'll be here ok." She told me softly as I nodded and walked to the toilet. After I had peed on the stick, I had to wait a couple of minutes before the results so I explained to Scar how it could have happened and she just shook her head. 

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do Scar? What if she thinks that I'm trapping her? Please tell me what I should do." I asked her as she held my hand in hers.

"You should tell her. It is her child and she has a right to be in it's life." She told me softly.

"But she is a player." I reminded her and she nodded with pursed lips. 

"I know that but this child is her responsibility as it is yours." She told me. I know she is right but I just don't know how she will take it. 

Y/N pov

It has been a couple weeks since the last time I heard off of Lizzie and I am honestly quite worried about her. I actually miss her and this is what I was afraid of all along. The loneliness that I will always have. I actually thought I found someone who isn't like everyone else and just uses me for their own pleasure. Yeah I practically used them too but that was different. I'm hiding away from emotional baggage. So I decided to go and see if she was ok so I got in my car and drove to her house and knocked on her door. I waited patiently as I heard footsteps approaching the door. 

"What do you want Y/N?" She asked me sharply

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"What do you want Y/N?" She asked me sharply. I could see that she was upset about something and I just wanted to help her through whatever.

"I have missed you and wanted to check up on you." I told her softly as she wiped her eye. 

"I am fine. You can go now." She told me bluntly. 

"I am not leaving until you talk to me Lizzie." I told her sternly as she just laughed at me. 

"I have talked to you. Now I'm done talking to you." She said as she tried to close the door. 

"No Elizabeth. Tell me what is wrong with you. I want to be here for you." I told her honestly as she just glared at me before she let me inside. I followed her and closed the door and found her in the kitchen with her back to me. "Now do you want to tell me what's up?" I asked her as I rested my hand on her back. 

"Don't." She said as she moved away from me hastily. I was hurt at the sudden outburst but I just let it be. "I don't want you to touch me." She spoke harshly before she looked down at her feet. I could see the tears starting to fall down her cheeks so I walked closer to her slowly before reaching out for her.

"Please talk to me love. I'm here for you." I told her tenderly as she finally looked up at me and took a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant." She told me as I widened my eyes at her revelation. I looked at her and started to feel myself retreat and walk away. 

"I think I left the dog on the stove." I muttered out as my mind just went to mush as she gave me a confused look. I quickly walked out without looking back. My mind unconsciously took me to Lukas's place. I knocked frantically and waited for him to open the door. He let me inside when her saw my state and gave me a whiskey which I downed like it was a shot of whiskey. "Lizzie's pregnant." I told him as he filled my glass again. "And it's mine." I said as I downed the second one. 

"That's great news." He beamed at me as I shook my head.

"What about Sally?" I asked him with sadness in my eyes.

"What about her?" He asked me. "She would want you to live your life and by the song that you finished of hers I can see that you're in love with Lizzie." He told me softly as I took in every word. "Sally would want you to share the future that you both wanted with someone who you love like you loved my sister. And that person is Lizzie. You just have to tell her. Sally will be happy to see that you have settled down and moved on. Don't screw it up Y/N." He told me as I nodded. I knew what I needed to do and I needed to talk to her. So I got in my car and drove to where the road took me.


Another chapter dude. Honestly thank you for supporting my books and making writing fun. I love you all:)

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