Chapter Four

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Lizzie's pov

Today was the day that Y/N was coming over and boy was I nervous. I have got it bad for this woman and she doesn't do relationships. I guess it's just my luck. But I guess being friends with her is better than nothing right? 

Well I said she can come over at anytime and I guess anytime means from morning til evening so I am on edge. Just as I was cleaning the counters for the 5th time the door bell went. And their she stands in all of her glory, she is wearing a grey t shirt with a green flannel over and black jeans. And she looks amazing while I'm here wearing a blouse and pants.

"Hey Lizzie." She said as she pulled me in for a hug. She had a couple of bags in her hand as I led her through the house to the kitchen. 

"So what should we do today?" I asked her as she gazed at me. Her eyes found my opened top few buttons and my cleavage which made me laugh at little at her subtlety. 

"We can watch some movies." She said. "Or I have my Xbox in the car with guitar hero."

"You should definitely set that up." I smirked as she emptied a lot of alcohol out of the bags. From beers to vodka. 

"I'll go and get it out of the car." She told me with a smile which I just smiled as I decided to make us both a quick snack. I decided on a bacon sandwich because you can't go wrong with it. But then when I had them made I realised that I don't really know anything about her. I decided to just go in the living room as she was setting it up as I handed her the plate. She looked between me and the plate. "I'm a vegetarian." She stated as I looked shocked and appalled with myself. 

"I am so sorry. I'm sure I have some Quorn around here." I said as I reached for her plate as she burst out laughing. 

"I'm sorry. I had to." She laughed as I just laughed with her. I admired the way her eyes lit up when she was extremely happy. "I love bacon. It is my favourite." She said as she took a big bite. I flushed a deep red when she moaned at the taste. I quickly looked down to avoid her smirk as she noticed my flustered state. "You love hearing me moan huh?" She husked out as I felt her move beside me. "I have a little secret to tell you." She whispered as she tucked some hair behind my ear before her fingertips caressed my skin. I could feel her breath on my neck and my heart beating out of my chest. "I have missed hearing you moan my name." With that I turned around and kissed her hard which she returned with the same energy. Her hands found their way to my pants and she started to unbutton them reaching her hand in. I started to lay down on the floor as she followed my movements as it gave her easier access. I looked in her lustful eyes before pulling her back down and kissing her hard. Her hand found its way into my panties and ran through my folds. "You're already so wet for me." She husked against my lips as she slipped a finger into my core. I was moaning loudly as she thrust at a fast pace. I let out a louder moan as she added another finger, curling them on their way out hitting my g spot. My mouth hung open as she continued her movements. I could feel myself reaching my climax as she continued. I came on her fingers screaming her name. When she pulled her fingers out of me, I moaned as she sucked them clean. I pulled her back to me and kissed her hard tasting myself. 

"I want you." I whispered out as she smirk then her smile faltered. 

"Are you on birth control?" She asked me as I shook my head no. "I haven't brought any condoms so we can always do it another time." She said softly. 

"There will be another time?" I asked her as she smiled as she sat back in her spot and was finishing her sandwich. 

"Of course there will be." She smirked. "You are honestly the best I have had Lizzie." She told me softly making me smile. "You're the first one night stand that I don't want to lose. You mean everything to me and I truly hope that we can be friends." She told me. Ouch. Friend zoned. 

"Of course we can be friends." I said trying to hide the disappointment in my voice.

Y/N pov

As much as I want to open myself up to her, I just can't bring myself to do it. I just can't go through that pain. I can't even bring myself to admit that Lizzie may be the one person to make me feel love for someone else again. But I can't risk losing her. I wouldn't be able to.

Sally and I were on a date, we were walking hand in hand down the beach when she suddenly decided to turn around. We were just turning 18 and graduating high school. We formed a band with Tim and Lukas, her brother. It wasn't until I saw a look on her face. She seemed extremely upset about something.

"What is it?" I asked her as she gave me a tight lipped smile as she took in a deep breath. 

"I have leukaemia." She said sadly as I just looked at her.

"You have got to be joking. Please tell me this is some sick joke." I begged her as I let go of her hand. She shook her head no as I could feel the tears start to fall. "I can't believe that this is happening." I said as I turned away and ran my fingers through my hair. I turned back to her to see she has tears streaming down her face. "I can't lose you Sally." I whispered as I cupped her face. 

"I'm so sorry Y/N." She cried as she held my hands before she pressed an emotional kiss to my lips. "But the treatment isn't working." She said quietly as I looked up taking a deep breath before stepping away from her. 

"There has to be something. I refuse to believe that this is it for you." I told her as she just shook her head with a sorrowful look in her eye. "I am going to try and find something." I said as I ran to my car. 

"Where are you going?" She asked me. 

"I need to see someone so I am going to take you home first." I told her as I opened her door for her and waited patiently for her to get in the car. The drive back to hers was quick. She gave me a meaningful kiss before I watched her walk inside before I drove to the one person I know might be able to help. I drove for a couple of hours until I reached my destination. Parking in his driveway not caring that it is 1am. Only Sally is on my mind. I knocked frantically to see my dad in his pyjamas answer the door. 

"Y/N it's 1am. Why are you here?" He asked me as I heard his wife shout down to him. 

"I need your help dad." I asked him as he just chuckled and shook his head. 

"What trouble have you gotten yourself into now." He asked me as I just looked at him with tears in my eyes. When he noticed how upset I was his face softened.

"It's Sally. She has leukaemia and they say there is nothing left that they can do. I need you to double check, triple check. Check as many times to make sure that there isn't something they can do." I asked him as he looked at me sadly. 

"I'll see what I can do ok. I am only a cardiologist so I will have to talk to her oncologist to study her case." He said softly with tears in his eyes. 

"I just can't lose her dad. She is everything to me." I said as the tears started to fall. He just pulled me into his embrace as I cried in his arms. 

I woke up with a start, I looked down and saw Lizzie on my chest and I couldn't help but smile at the sight. I wouldn't mind waking up like this every day. She may be the one for me. The one person who will be able to see right through me like Sally could. She knew me inside and out. She knew what I was thinking before I did. She was the love of my life and I truly believed that you don't get another one. That was until I actually got to know this woman laying in my arms right now. 


A little insight as to why Y/N is closed off from feelings. No abusive parents for once just a dead girl instead. Let me know what you guys think

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