Chapter Fourteen

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Y/N pov

Today was the day that Lizzie was meeting my dad and his now wife Sarah. My mother couldn't make it because of a business trip to New York so we are driving to my fathers. I could tell that Lizzie was nervous on the drive there as she kept looking out of the window. She soon perked up when I put some Taylor Swift on and started to sing along to Love Story. When I started to sing it to her she started to blush and giggle at me. 

"Keep your eyes on the road and not me goof." She laughed as I just smiled at her.

"It's not my fault you are the most stunning woman there is." I flirted as my eyes went back to the road. I found my smile growing as she blushed and watched me with her lip between her teeth. "I love you so much Lizzie." I told her as I could feel her eyes on me. She leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"I love you more than you'll ever know." She whispered in my ear. I felt shivers down my spine and my heart swelled. I knew in that moment she is the one for me and I am going to marry her one day. The drive was fairy quick, we soon pulled up outside his house in the driveway. I took a deep breath. I had hardly ever visited here since Sally passed away. Being back here and even at my mum's is just too hard. Too many bad memories.

"Are you ready my love?" I asked her as she just gave me a reassuring smile with a small nod. I got out of the car and walked around to her door and opened it for her. She gave me a sweet kiss as I closed it and locked the car. I held her hand as we walked up the path to my dad's front door. I decided to knock and just get it over with.

I walked up in the rain, I had been drinking since I left the hospital. I knocked on my Dad's door frantically as he answered it. He gave me a sad look as he just stood there. He waited for me to talk. He was being patient with me. He knew by my state that something had happened. 

"She has gone." I slurred as I tried to keep myself from breaking, I wasn't going to break. Not now. 

"I'm so sorry strummer." He whispered with tears in his own eyes. It was almost 3am and he just stood there. 

"She has gone." I repeated as he just nodded waiting. Just as he must have known the tears would fall down my face and I would fall to my knees. "She's gone dad. Why did she have to go?" I cried as he just held me in his arms. "Why? She had her whole life ahead of her and she has gone. Why can't I be happy?"

"You will be ok Y/N. In time you will look back on this and realise that these things happen. When we end up as sick as Sally was and we can't fight the disease that is eating away at us. We just let go." He tried to reassure me but it only made the pain in my heart worse. I had lost the one for me. All to a stupid disease.

"Hey strummer." He greeted when he opened the door with a smile when he saw me.

"Hey dad." I greeted him with a gentle smile. He let the two of us inside. We were greeted by his wife Sarah. "Well this is my girlfriend Lizzie. My love this is my dad and his wife Sarah." I introduced them. I saw my dad smile widely at me as I narrowed my eyes.

"Y/N, can I use your help getting the drinks?" He asked me as I just nodded and followed him into the kitchen. He waited for the coffee to brew. "Don't worry. It's decaf. I know that Lizzie is pregnant." He smiled at me

"How?" I asked him nervously.

"I can see she is getting a little bump. Not everyone would be able to see it but since I am a Cardiologist, I am very observant." He told me as I just looked down

"We never meant for this to happen. It just did." I told him like I was a teenager again.

"Hey, calm down. I just want to make sure that you are going to stay by her side." He told me.

"Of course I am." I told him. "I have never felt like this since Sally. I am in love with her and it took me a while to realise it and let myself feel but I did. I have found that person I am meant to be with." I told him sincerely which he just smiled at me.

"I am so proud of the person you have become strummer." He spoke as he poured the coffees into cups. We each took two and took them to the living room. I gave Lizzie hers as I sat beside her. She gave me a questioning look when she saw the coffee.

"Don't worry it's decaf." I told her with a smile. She fell back into her conversation with Sarah easily as my Dad and I just sat there in silence. As much as always turned to him when I needed him, we barely know what to talk about.

"I remember going to her bands first gig, they were still in high school." Sarah mentioned making me smile. "What was that cover you guys done that made everyone in the hall go mental?" She asked me as I thought back to that night.

"Oh god, it was Sally's choice too." I remembered. "It was Pink by Aerosmith. She was obsessed with Steve Tyler. She adored the guy." I told her with a smile which everyone just smiled widely at me. I knew why because I actually spoke about her in a positive manner and not dwelled on what could have been. Sarah continued to tell her about that night before we decided to tell well Sarah the new since Dad already knew. Which she ended up being excited for the both of us, Sarah was the opposite to my mum. She supported my dream like my Dad did. My mum always said that I would never make it and look at  us now.

"They seemed really nice." Lizzie stated as we drove home. Her hand scratching the baby hairs at the back of my neck.

"They really are." I told her. "I just wish I never really treated them like crap when I was younger." I told her softly which she gave me a gentle smile. "When my parents divorced and my dad moved away, I hated him. But truthfully he just wanted a happy life away from the toxicity that is My Mother. I never realised it back then but she just turned cold towards everyone. Including me. She is the person I don't want to be."

She just gave me a small sorry as I just shrugged as I made myself a promise. A promise to always be the person that Lizzie and our baby need me to be.


Ooooh Lizzie has finally met the dad. Please let me know what you guys think :)

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