Chapter Nineteen

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Y/N pov

Tomorrow I am going back to LA since the band have managed to find another guitarist. Apparently she is meant to be really good. Although I am worried about leaving Lizzie here alone for a month.

"I will be fine baby." She told me. "Scar is going to come and stay with me while we finish shooting and I have your number. I will be fine."

"I know." I sighed as I sat on the edge of the bed. My bags were already packed although Lizzie did keep some of my shirts for herself. "I'm just worried that's all. This will be the first time we have been apart since you got pregnant and uh I just want to be with you as much as I can."

She straddled my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. My hands instantly landing on her hips to keep her steady.

"I will be fine. You will be fine." She told me sternly. She gripped my jaw harshly making me look at her. "It's only one month baby. We will be in each others arms again in one month."

"I know." I whispered as I rubbed our noses together. "I just don't know how to be apart from you." I whispered softly. She kissed me softly before taking my bottom lip between her teeth.

"I suppose you will have to make me unable to forget you." She husked out as she grinded her hips on mine making me groan.

"I will make sure you never forget me." I told her flipping us over and gently laying her on the bed. She giggled below me as I removed her shirt to reveal her braless chest. "You are so fucking beautiful." I whispered as I kissed her skin. I watched as the blush deepened on her cheeks as I took one of her sensitive nipples into my mouth. She moaned loudly which was music to my ears. I switched over giving the other the same attention before kissing down her body. Her hand went straight to my hair as I kissed and marked her gorgeous body.

My hands found the waist band of her sweats. She lifted her hips up for me to slide them down with her underwear. I groaned at the sight of her already soaked puffy clit.

"Fuck." I groaned as I smelled her arousal. Almost going feral. "You smell so fucking good." She moaned when I sucked on her clit. Her hand in my hair pushing me further into her.

"Oh." She moaned when I grazed the sensitice nub with my teeth. I held her thighs apart as I devoured her like it was my final meal before execution.

"Uh. You taste so fucking amazing." I groaned as I inserted my tongue in her aching core. Enjoying the feeling of her velvet walls clenching around my tongue. I used my thumb to apply pressure to her clit, groaning at the feeling of her grip tightening in my hair.

"I'm gonna. Y/N!" She screamed and creamed all over my face. I lapped up her juices before I kissed up her body, allowing her to calm down. When she lazily opened her eyes, she pulled me down by the neck, kissing me roughly. I was cautious of her bump. "You're wearing too much." She husked when we pulled away.

I discarded my clothes with her help as she eyed me with her lip between her teeth. I loved the sight of her beneath me. The way the sweat glistened on her freshly fucked form.

"What do you want?" I asked her as I gazed into her eyes with such intensity. "Tell me what you want."

"I want you to fuck me." She said as she pulled me closer to her. I kissed her hard, her hands around my neck running her hands down my back. I reached in between us and lined up my length with her soaked entrance. "Ooh." She moaned when I inserted myself in her core.

I started to thrust my hips slow and steady. I revelled in the sight of her beneath me. Mouth agape. Hair sticking to her sweaty forehead. Eyes screwed shut. Beautiful sounds coming from her beautiful lips.

"You're so pretty when I fuck you." I husked out as I increased my pace. She moaned as I changed my angle and hit her g spot unexpectedly. "I love those beautiful sounds. Like music to my ears. More beautiful than Mozart."

"Fuck." She breathed out. "Faster." She moaned, which I complied. Chasing down both of our highs. Loving every moment of it. "I'm close." She said as she clawed down my back. I groaned at the feeling. When I felt Lizzie cum, I came shortly after. Filling her up. Ruining her for anyone else. Even though I already did that unintentionally.

"I love you." I whispered as I gazed in her eyes as she opened her eyes. Looking at me lovingly.

"I love you." She replied before pulling me down for a kiss. A tender kiss. I knew with this kiss that everything is going to be ok. We are going to be ok. One month until we are back together again.


Another chapter is finally here. I hoped you enjoyed it but not too much ;)

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