Chapter Ten

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Lizzie's pov

When I woke up, I was surprised to see Y/N still here with me. I thought that last night was a dream but it turns out that it wasn't. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I watched her sleep as her arms were wrapped around me. In this moment I wasn't scared of our future. I know now that it is something that I will always cherish and look forward to. 

"Good morning beautiful." She rasped out before she kissed my head. Just these simple gestures are the things that help me realise that I am safe with her. My heart is safe with her.

"Good morning baby." I whispered before I leaned up and gave her a kiss on the lips. Before we could deepen it, someone rang my doorbell. I groaned as I rolled off of Y/N who stood up to answer it. She was still in her clothes from last night and I admired her as she walked downstairs.

Y/N pov

I couldn't believe that I had opened up to her last night but she makes me feel safe and I trust her with every bone in my body. She is the one I see my future with. I opened the door with a smile to see an angry Scarlett as she pushed past me and into the hall before I closed the door and faced her. 

"You are an ass." She told me as I just nodded. 

"I am yes." I confirmed as she continued to shout at me. 

"You have the nerve to be here when you ran when she told you she was pregnant. What are you even doing here? I would have thought you would be in some skanks bed by now." She shouted at me as I took a deep breath before responding to her. 

"I am in love with her Scarlett. I ran yesterday because I was scared. I also needed to see someone to help me see things more clearly and I did. I saw my future by her side raising our kid together because that is what I want. I want to be with her and love her and raise our family together." I told her as she just listened to me. "I haven't been with anyone since the first time I slept with her because she made me feel something that I haven't felt in a very long time. She is the second person to claw their way into my heart." I finished. I looked up and saw Lizzie looking at me softly. 

I couldn't help but smile at her as Scarlett started to calm down

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I couldn't help but smile at her as Scarlett started to calm down. I let out a breath that I didn't know that I was holding in as I walked towards the kitchen with the two on my heels. I decided to make three hot drinks, I made sure to give Lizzie a decaf as I handed her and Scar their coffees. 

"You best hadn't hurt her or so help me go I will go all Natasha Romanoff on your ass." She told me as I just smiled and nodded.

"I wouldn't expect anything less." I replied as she gave me a smirk. I decided to cook some breakfast for them before I went home to get a change of clothes. Once I placed their plates in front of them, I gave Lizzie a quick kiss. "I'm just going to get a shower and a change of clothes ok." I told her as she smiled at me and nodded. I kissed her again before I walked out to my car with a smile on my face. Before I went home I decided to get some flowers for Sally's grave and pay her a visit. 

When I stood before the stone I couldn't help the smile on my face. 

"I told her. I told her everything. I told her about you and us and everything. She is the one Sally. Lizzie is my endgame and I am hers. I promise you I will never forget you and our time together. You were my happiness and light that guided me to now. This moment and I feel amazing." I  told he as I placed the fresh flowers down. "I will always love you." I told her as I kissed the head stone before I walked back to my car and headed home for a shower. As I was just getting out of the shower with a towel around me, Lizzie started to ring my phone. 

"Hey you." I greeted her softly as I got myself dried as I put her on speaker. 

"Hey baby, why don't you bring some spare clothes with you so you can stay again?" She told me shyly as I smiled. 

"Sure. I'm just getting ready and I'll be on my way back ok." I told her as I removed my towel and started to dry my hair with it. 

"I'll see you soon." She told me before I bid goodbye myself and finished up. I packed a duffel bag with clothes and I grabbed my journal and guitar. I need to be prepared for when inspiration strikes which happens a lot since I have been with Lizzie. 

Lizzie's pov

Scar stayed with me after Y/N left to pick up some things. As I was finishing the breakfast that Y/N had cooked for the both of us, she looked at me with a smirk.

"What?" I asked her with a smile on my face. 

"So you two are really good now?" She asked me as I finished my drink before answering her. 

"We are. We both know how we feel about each other and I couldn't be happier right now. She is staying by my side and is helping with the baby." I told her with a smile which she returned. 

"Just be careful ok. I don't want to see you hurt." She told me softly as I nodded as she pulled me in for a hug. I am thankful to have met her while working for Marvel because she has become like a sister to me. After a while Scarlett left and went home to Colin and Rose as I just sat on the sofa watching some tv. I paused it when I heard a knock and went to answer it. I couldn't help but smile as Y/N stood there with her guitar case, duffel on her shoulder and a bouquet of yellow daisies in her hand with her smile on her face. I let her in as she handed me the daisies which I brought to my nose and smelt them. 

"This is how you telling me should have went. Not the way it actually did." She said as she placed her bag and guitar down before wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me into her as she gave me a passionate kiss which I soon deepened as she lifted me up by my thighs with ease as my arms wrapped around her neck as she carried me over to the sofa as we spent the rest of the day wrapped up in each others arms. 


A little cute fluffy chapter guys with a protective Scarlett. Please let me know what you think :)

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