Chapter Nine

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Y/N pov

I found myself at the cemetery, making my way to Sally's grave. A place I haven't been in a while. I found myself looking at the stone that read her name. I took a shaky breath before I knelt down as I had the tears slip past my eyes. 

"I know I haven't been here in so long darling, but I need some guidance." I spoke before I took a deep breath before I continued. "I met this girl, she is amazing. She has been the only person to make me feel like this since you. But I am scared. I'm scared to let someone else in just to lose them. I'm not ready to lose them yet. I wasn't ready to lose you." I told her as I let out a shaky breath. "But I did. I lost you and our future together. We were supposed to be married by now and have a kid or two but that changed. I want to hate you for dying but I just can't. I love you too damn much Sally Owen. You were everything to me." I told her as it started to rain. I stood up and looked at the sky before looking back at her. I closed my eyes and pictured seeing Sally's face and I was shocked as it changed to the face I have grown to love. So I made my way to my car and drove as fast as I could. As soon as I pulled up and got out. I ran up the driveway and knocked on the door frantically. Lizzie answered it with puffy red eyes.

"Why are you wet?" She asked me as she let me inside. 

"I need to talk to you." I told her as I reached out for her hand in my own. 

"Your hands are cold." She gasped as I just held it tighter.

"I love you Lizzie." I told her as she pulled her hand back harshly away from me as she chuckled dryly. 

"No you don't." She said as she walked inside to her living room. 

"Yes I do." I told her. Practically begging her to believe me. 

"You sleep with anything that walks everytime you go out with Tim." She told me angrily as she was trying to keep some space between the two of us. 

"I haven't slept with anyone else since I slept with you for that first time." I told her softly as she kept quiet pleading me to continue. "You have made me feel a way that I haven't felt in a very long time and that scared me. I was frightened that by being in love with you I would be forgetting her."

"Who?" She asked me as she crossed her arms over her chest. 

"Sally Owen. The original guitarist to our band and also Lukas's twin sister. She was my high school sweetheart. She was the one person who had my heart. She came up with our style and she is the reason we haven't changed it. It's like she is with us all somehow." I told her as I let a tear slip as I thought of Sally. "She died when she was 20. Just as we were getting small gigs at little bars. She had leukaemia and the treatments failed. We used to write music together and I have been frightened to let someone in and with you I am so fucking scared because I can't bare the thought of losing you ever." 

"I didn't know." She whispered as she shook her head. 

"No one outside of the band did. It isn't something that I like to tell people. You are the first to know about her." I told her as she stepped closer to me. "I wanted to have the whole future with Sally and it got ripped from me. But I see that future with you and I will help you with our kid if you'll have me." I finished as I caressed her cheek. 

"I am so in love with you it hurt so much to be apart from you." She whispered as she gazed into my eyes. I leaned in and gave her a tender kiss showing all of my feelings for her. She is my future now and I will be damned if I let that go. We rested our foreheads together with our eyes closed just enjoying the closeness of each other. "Will you hold me?" She whispered when we opened our eyes. 

"Always." I replied softly as I let her lead me to her bedroom. We both lay down and I held her in my arms where she is meant to be. This is what feels right. It's like the stars have aligned and we have finally collided. 


A little shorter chapter today guys. Please let me know what you think.

Kiwi (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem GiP ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now