Chapter Twenty Three

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Y/N pov

My eyes are trained on Lizzie, as much as she seems to be in a pissed off mood with me, I love her with all of me.

"I'm sorry." She cried making me look at her softly.

"What for?" I asked her as I held her hand as the sirens were getting closer.

"For the way I have treated you these past few weeks." She looked me in the eyes and all I could see was sadness and fear. "I haven't been the way I usually am with. I've been pushing you away."

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because you have spoke highly of that Dee from the band and how good band practices have been." Lizzie cried. "I guess I am afraid that you're slipping away from me."

"No one would ever take your place Lizzie." I told her honestly. "Besides,  Dee has a husband." I smirked as she sighed in relief. "And I am not a homewrecker."

"How are we doing here?" A paramedic asked before Lizzie could reply.

"My fiance is 38 weeks pregnant." I told him. "Just please get her out first."

"We assess who is in need of immediate extraction." He stated as he looked the two of us over. "Have either of you lost conciousness?"

"Yes, Y/N here did for a few minutes." Lizzie answered. I shook my head as he went to assess me further.

"If you do not get her out of here now, I will personally sue you." I told him through gritted teeth. "Please. She is pregnant. She is due in two weeks."

"Uh Y/N." Lizzie called out shakily. "I think my waters have broke."

"Is that enough for you to get her out." I asked and he just nodded as he motioned for everyone to Lizzie's side.

"I don't want to leave you." She cried as she looked at me.

"I will be right behind you." I told her as she gave me a tight lipped smile. "I promise."

"Ok. Y/N is it?" He asked again as he came back to my side.

"Yeah." I answered as I watched them get Lizzie out safely.

"Since we only have two ambulances available right now, we have to wait for one of them to return." He said as I sighed.

"Can you call someone for me please. Lizzie's mum." I asked him as he nodded. "I uh. The phone is in my pocket which is trapped between my thigh and the wheel."

"Do you know her number?" He asked as he got his phone out. I nodded as I gave him the number and watched as he called. I needed to know that someone will be there for her. Lizzie needed someone and right now that person isn't me. "She is on her way there. So how did you two meet?"

"Are you trying to distract me?" I asked him as he pointed the light in my eyes.

"I am and also keep you conscious. So come on. Tell me." He smirked as he made his notes.

"It was a one night stand. That was all it was supposed to be." I told him with a smile of the first night Lizzie and I spent together. "But somehow in that one night, she etched her name on my heart. She made me feel something I hadn't felt in a very long time. Not since Sally."

"Who's Sally?" He asked me.

"She was my high school sweetheart." I told him. "She was the reason I learned how to play the guitar. I wanted to join the band because of her. She died when we were 20. Lukeamia."

"I'm sorry." He spoke tenderly as he kept doing checks.

"I'm tired." I told him as he shook his head at me.

"I know buddy, but we need you to stay awake. Your fiance needs you to stay awake." He said as I chuckled lightly.

"She isn't really my fiance." I told him. "She is my girlfriend but I want to ask her. I just don't know when." I said as I felt the ring in my pocket too. "I have the ring but I am just waiting for that perfect moment you know. The moment she will never forget. Ever."

"I'm sure she will never forget it." He smiled as he looked at me, even more worried than before. "Are you feeling any pain at all."

"Nope. I feel fine." I smiled at him as I saw something in his eyes. "I guess you can just get me out and then I can go and see my son be born."

"Your son? Don't you need a?" He asked me shocked.

"I have a penis." I told him. Carefree. "And it works clearly or she wouldn't be having my kid."

"How do you feel?" He asked me as he checked my temperature.

"Kind of nervous. I don't want to be my mum to him." I told him, slurring my words slightly.

"We need to get her out now!" I heard him yell. "Y/N. I need you to keep your eyes open. You have a your baby to meet."

"We're having a boy." I slurred with a fuzzy smile. "My pocket. Can you make sure Lizzie's mum gets it please." I asked him.

"I will make sure of it myself." He told me with a smile as he was moved so they could get me.

No One's pov

As they worked to get Y/N out, Lizzie was rushed into the delivery room along with her mum.

"I need Y/N." Lizzie cried as the contractions started.

"I know baby. They're doing everything they can to get her out." Jarnette told her as she ran her fingers through her hair. "She will be here for when the baby is here."

As Lizzie started to push, they managed to get Y/N from the wreckage. But she was unresponsive. They raced to get her to the hospital as Lizzie had almost given birth.

"Here is your healthy baby boy." The doctor told Lizzie as they put him in her arms.

"He's beautiful." Lizzie whispered as she took in his features.

"He is." Jarnette whispered.

"Can you go and see if Y/N is here yet?" Lizzie asked her mum.

"Of course." She smiled as she kissed Lizzie's head before she left the room. She headed the the ER reception. "Hi, I'm looking for Y/N Y/L/N. She was in a car accident with her pregnant girlfriend."

"She is currently in surgery right now. Her injuries were extensive." The receptionist told her. "I will tell you if I know more."

"Thank you." Jarnette sighed as she started to dial the twins number.

"Uh, are you Y/N's mother in law?" The paramedic asked as they approacched Jarnette.

"Not yet but one day maybe." She told them with a small smile.

"She told me to give this to you. Not to give it to Lizzie but to her mum." They said as they handed her a small green velvet box.

"Is this what I think it is?" Jarnette whispered as she held the box in her hand.

"It is." They told her. Jarnette just smiled at the box as she took a seat. Not wanting to go back to Lizzie without news of Y/N.


I have decided to finish this book as is and the second will be written in 3rd person. Please let me know what you think

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