Chapter Seventeen

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Y/N pov

When I returned from the store, Lizzie was still asleep so that gave me time to start cooking some pasta bake. It was a dish that I haven't cooked since Sally was alive. I had my music on lowly as I cooked. As I was singing and dancing along to Dude Looks Like A Lady by Aerosmith. When I slid across the floor in my socks singing into a wooden spoon, that was when Lizzie giggled making me stop in my tracks.

"Oh no. Please carry on. I was enjoying that." She smiled brightly.

"How was your sleep?" I asked her as she sat at the island.

"It was nice. Definitely needed." She nodded as I poured her some OJ. "I just never expected to wake up to a show."

"Well I am happy you are well entertained." I told her with a bow making her giggle before I went back to cooking dinner. "How does pasta bake sound?"

"Well it smells delicious so I would say lets go for it." She said with a smile. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I remembered the first time I cooked it for Sally.

Mum was at work late so it was just Sally and I here. I was happy. The happiest I have been since I was a kid and I used to spend my weekends with Dad.

"So you can play the guitar and you can cook?" She asked as she looked over my shoulder at the pot on the stove.

"I am a woman of many talents." I smirked as she just chuckled.

"So where is your mum?" She asked me.

"She is at work and knowing her she won't be back until the early hours." I told her. Ever since the divorce mum had spent less and less time at home. Not like she spent much time here before the divorce but you know. It can make a kid feel unloved.

"Well I don't have to go home. I could always stay here." She smirked as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I prefer it when you are in my arms and not the other way." I told her as I lowered the stove down and turned around to face her.

We were barely adults and we knew love. We had found our soul mates so early on in our lives.

I like to think that we have more than one soul mate because then I had managed to find two in my first two decades of life. I lost one too soon but then Lizzie helped me open up my heart again. She was the one who made me feel alive again and I am sure that she is the one that I am meant to be with for the rest of my life.

"Wow. This is amazing baby." She moaned as I smirked at her.

"It was a dish of mine that Sally loved me to cook." I told her as she smiled slightly. "I'm sorry." I mumbled unsure if mentioning my ex who had passed away was a bad thing.

"Y/N, I want you to be able to talk to me about her. She was a huge part of your life and I want to be just the same. So please don't think I am muting your feelings when it comes to memories of yours with her." She told me sweetly making me smile.

"Thank you." I whispered before we finished our food. I cleared the table and washed the dishes as Lizzie disappeared. After a while, I was worried so I searched the apartment for her. I sighed when I saw her getting some clean clothes out for us both.

"I thought that we could share a bath." She said shyly. I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face as I stepped towards her and gave her a sweet kiss.

"I would love that." I whispered happily. She dragged me to the bathroom, leaving our clothes on the bed as she started to undress me before herself. I helped her in the bath before getting in behind her. I relished in the hot water making my skin tingle. Lizzie laid back and rested her head back on my chest.

We both enjoyed the silence and jusy being together like this. There was no lust or hunger for each other. There was just love.

"I haven't been this happy in a very long time." I confessed making Lizzie look up at me. "Since you came into my life, you have made me believe again. Believe that I deserve to be happy. To be loved. You broke down my walls when a lot of other people have tried since I built them so high. You did that. You made me love again and I am just so happy Elizabeth. I love you with every fibre of my being."

I watched as she smiled softly at me. She leaned up and gave me a soft kiss.

"I love you too. I love how I can be myself with you with no judgement. I don't have to worry about being what everyone wants me to be especially when I am with you." She whispered softly with a soft smile. I held her close to me before I grabbed a sponge and started to wash her body. I felt her lean further into me with her eyes closed, enjoying the peace and tramquility.

"Let's get you dried and in bed." I spoke softly when she yawned. She gave me a tired smile before she got out and I after her. I wrapped the towel around her drying her body from head to toe as she looked at me endearingly. She left to go to the bedroom as I dried myself. When I reached the room, I noticed she completely disregarded the fresh clothes as she lay under the covers naked. I chuckled as I got in beside her, Lizzie instantly latched onto me. Her arm over my stomach as she intertwined our fingers as my hand rubbed up and down her back soothingly. Lulling her into a peaceful slumber.


Hey guys. I know its been a while. Please let me know what you think.

Kiwi (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem GiP ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now