Chapter Sixteen

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Lizzie's pov

I feel so much more at ease now knowing that our parents know about the baby. But today we are flying out to Atlanta. I have rent a small apartment for the months that we will  be staying there. Since my mum had found out, she texts me or calls me more than she usually did. Y/N and I have been on this little rocky patch right now but we are working on it. She knows that I need to be able to do somethings without being babied and I know that she is only doing what she is doing because she cares for the baby and me.

"Ok." She said as she brought our bags down. "The Uber will be here soon, all the bags are down and I have your baby file ready for while we are there and see your new OBGYN." She said as she brought my comfy sneakers over. She knelt before me and put them on my feet as I just watched her with a small smile. "Sorry." She said shyly as she walked to get her things together. It is strange to think that she used to be someone who slept around. She never had a stable relationship and it is understandable why.

"Do you have everything you need?" I asked her as she handed me my jacket.

"Yeah." She breathed out. Before I could say anything she received a notification that the Uber was here. I picked up the smaller bag as she got the bigger ones. She opened the trunk to put them in before she took the small bag off of me and placed it with them. We booked an early morning flight so we could miss the paparazzi and the screaming fans. We just want to get their in peace. As much as we love interacting with our fans, it can be tiresome. 

The drive to the airport was fast and we were getting out of the car faster than usual. Y/N remained near me with her hat and glasses on as we walked through the paparazzi that were there but thankfully there wasn't a lot. 

"Would you like a tea while we wait my love?" She asked me softly as I gave her a sweet smile and nodded. I watched as she walked over to the Starbucks in the airport as she waited for our order. I watched her the whole time even as she approached me. "I got you a donut too in case you were hungry." She said as she handed me the paper bag as she placed my tea on the seat beside me as she remained on her feet. 

"Y/N sit down, we still have a bit of wait before we can board." I told her as she gave me a look. I couldn't quite see her eyes as she shifted uncomfortably before she sat down. She didn't settle in her seat, she still remained uneasy. "What's going on?" I asked her as she shook her head as she sipped her coffee. 

"It's nothing." She waved off as her eyes kept diverting towards the exit like she was planning an escape. That was when it occurred to me. 

"Are you afraid of flying?" I asked her quietly as she scoffed with a laugh as I waited for her to deny it. 

"Yeah." She whispered making me smile. I very rarely see her like this, vulnerable. 

"But you guys go on tour a lot." I told her as she gave me a look like I was supposed to know something. 

"And we have a tour bus. The places that we play are in order of our journey." She told me matter of factly like it was something that I was supposed to know.

"What about your European tours?" I asked her.

"That is a different story and an extra pair of underwear in my carry on just in case of turbulence." She said which made me laugh at what she was insinuating. "This is a serious matter Elizabeth." She smiled as she tried to scold me. 

"Don't worry baby, I will hold your hand ok." I told her softly as she gave me a quick kiss before backing away in case anyone recognised us. 

When the time came for us to board, Y/N gave me the aisle seat in case I needed to pee. Especially with this demon of ours on my bladder. It's quite funny how some people say pregnancy is a beautiful thing but they clearly have never been pregnant or with a pregnant partner because it isn't remotely pretty. I held Y/N's hand as the plane started to move as she took deep breaths and her eyes scrunched shut. It was strange to see her do something that she hates and is terrified of for me and our baby. Just with everything the way she has been has shown me that she isn't the person she was when we met. She has changed for the better. She has become someone who has been so trustworthy and kind. She shows me how much she cares and loves me with every chance she can get. Whether it's the small things like bringing me some food when she comes home late or making sure that we are stocked up on my pumpkin ice cream.

"That shouldn't be normal!" She squealed as we had a bit of turbulence. "How is no one else shitting their fucking pants." She said as she looked around the other passengers. I had to hold in a laugh as she took deep breaths as she tried to calm down. 

"Why don't you try something to take your mind off of it?" I suggested as she just nodded. That was when she started to hum Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus. I just smirked at her because I never knew she was a Miley fan. 

"What?" She asked when she calmed down and looked at me.

"I didn't peg you for a Miley fan." I stated as she blushed lightly. 

"Ok, it's a guilty pleasure kind of like Barbie Girl by Aqua." She whispered as I just burst out laughing. "I even like a few NSYNC songs too." She smirked as my eyes snapped to hers at the mention of the old boyband I used to love when I was a kid. 

The rest of the flight went by easier as we spoke about other guilty pleasures. It was fun to learn some more stuff about her because I have only ever heard her listen to classic rock like Whitesnake and Free and others like that. The drive to our rented apartment was fast because the two of us wanted to just crash as soon as we saw the bed. 

"I am going to shower and then go to the store." She said as she took her clothes out of her bag as I climbed under the covers.

"Please be quick. I want my cuddles." I told her as I snuggled further into the warmth of the bed.  She leaned over me and gave me a soft kiss before she pulled away from me. 

"I will be as fast as I can my love. You get some rest." She said before she disappeared into the bathroom. I yawned as the tiredness started to take over me as I heard the shower running.


They have arrived in Atlanta. A little fluff before some drama begins in the later chapters. Please let me know what you think

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