Chapter Thirteen

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Lizzie's pov

After the band meeting, I thought of how neither of us has met the others parents. I was scared about my mum and dad finding out about my situation because this wasn't the future I had planned. The drive home was quiet as the two of us were lost in thought. When she parked up in the driveway, it was like she was on auto as she opened my door and helped me out. When we got in the house she went straight to the kitchen and done something I had never seen her do. She started to clean which was strange considering she had already cleaned the kitchen this morning after breakfast.

"What's going on Y/N?" I asked her as she turned to face me. 

"I haven't met your parents yet." She stated. "You haven't met mine. I have only ever introduced one girlfriend to my parents and she died. I watched as she died." She started to ramble. "What if your parents hate me for what I did to you. You are pregnant and you aren't even 10 years into your career yet. What if they think I am a freak that ruined your life."

"You are not a freak and you didn't ruin my life." I reassured her as I cupped her cheeks. I watched as all doubt left her eyes before she sighed. "We will be able to do this ok. What if I invite my mum over for dinner one night before we leave for Atlanta." I offered as she just nodded shyly.

"We have to do it at some point." She whispered as she gave me a small smile. I know she is masking her emotions right now. "Also my dad had already invited me to dinner on Friday if you would like to join me." She spoke with hope in her eyes. I couldn't help but smile and nod at her cuteness. I gave her a sweet kiss before I smiled at her with her eyes closed. I never thought that someone would ever make me feel this way.

"How about I invite my mum to come on Thursday before we go to your dad's?" I asked her as she opened her eyes. 

"Of course pretty lady." She confirmed with a bright smile before she kissed me tenderly again. 

"Now, get cleaning." I ordered her playfully.

"What do you think I am trying to do." She groaned making me laugh at her. I messaged my mum about Thursday and she said that she would make it. Now I just hope that she will be ok with Y/N since they are both important to me. Extremely important. 

Y/N pov

Well I was finishing cooking the steak for dinner with Lizzie's mum and I tell you now. I am so fucking nervous I just want to disappear. It's not only the first time meeting her but Lizzie is also going to tell her about the baby too. So I am pretty sure that this could go one of two ways. 

One; She would be happy for the both of us. Lightly scold us for not being careful but happy none the less.

Two; She could get the biggest knife from Lizzie's knife collection and kill me before I get the chance to marry her daughter or see our child be born.

"What are you doing?" Lizzie asked with a chuckle as I held her knife block and was putting in the highest cupboard. I looked at her like I had just been caught steeling. 

"I am hiding any objects that can be used to kill me. I would love to at least make it to he birth then anytime after she has the green light." I told her honestly as she just shook her head and laughed at me. "She is going to kill me. The first time she is meeting her daughter's girlfriend is also the same time she is also going to find out that she is going to become a grandmother. And with my knowledge it usually never goes well." I told her honestly as she tried to stifle her laughs as she just nodded before the door bell went. "Shit the big fancy bookends." I whispered as Lizzie just laughed as she answered the door for her mum. I heard them greet each other as I waited in the living room. 

"Good evening Ms Olsen." I spoke as I internally cringed at myself. I may as well said that in a Transylvanian accent. Fucking Dracula.

"Please call me Jarnie, Lizzie has told me a lot about you." She spoke as she pulled me in for a hug. Oh great at least she knows somethings about me before she kills me. This isn't going to be awkward at all.

"Thank you I guess." I spoke as they both started to laugh at me. "I'm sorry, I'm just extremely nervous." I rambled as they both continued their giggles. I decided to disappear to the kitchen and prepare dinner and put it on the stove as Lizzie came to get some drinks for her and her mum. 

"I am going to tell her now, just get it over with." She whispered to me as I just shook my head no with a pleading look. 

"Come on Lizzie, at least wait till after we have ate. I don't want to die hungry." I whined as she shook her head as she started to pull me with her. She sat beside her as I remained stood so I could make a quick dash for it.

"We actually have something to tell you mum." Lizzie told her as she gave her daughter her full attention. "I'm pregnant." She told her nervously. I watched as Jarnie's face went blank. I had no read on her emotions right now. 

"Who's the father?" She asked bluntly. 

"The mother is actually Y/N." She told her as I just smiled nervously. They were probably thinking that I am a weirdo. "She is intersex. Born with a dick." She told her bluntly causing me to choke on air as I watched Jarnie's eyes flicker over to me. I could see a glint of anger in her eyes before I decided to speak up because I know this will mean a lot to Lizzie. 

"I am sorry that this happened so soon and unexpectedly but I intend to be by her side through it all. Before and after the baby is born." I spoke as both of their eyes were on me. "You have no idea how much I love your daughter ma'am, she saved me from myself. She has been the second to person to be able to break down my walls and make me feel confident to be who I am and not who I portray I am. I have only ever felt the way I do with Lizzie one other time in my life and she passed away. I also made her a promise to find happiness and love again and that was when I found your daughter. I love Lizzie with everything I am and I will continue to love her until my dying day." I finished in hopes that I have managed to save my life for another day. Jarnie just smiled at me before she pulled me in for a hug.

"Congratulations. The both of you." She spoke before she turned to face me. "You will have to tell me about this other love of yours." She told me softly as I just nodded with a smile.

"Would you look at that, you didn't need to hide the knives." Lizzie teased as Jarnie gave me a questioning look. 

"Oh what's that honey?" I shouted towards the kitchen. "I'm sorry but the bird in the oven is calling me." I told them both before I darted to the kitchen for a breath. That was harder and scarier than I thought it would be. I just hope that she believes me. 


Ahhhh we have met the mother. Please let me know what you guys think.

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