Chapter Six

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Lizzie's pov

It has been weeks since Y/N and I became friends. I have been to a few of her shows and they are amazing. I love their style and energy and the fans too. It's amazing to be apart of the crowd. Tonight we are all going out to see Radio Silence perform. Since I told Scar that Y/N was in the band, she insisted on coming with me to the gig. We were both getting ready in my house while listening to some music. 

"I can't believe you and Y/N have been friends with benefits and I am only just hearing about this now." She shouted at me as she was putting her make up on. 

"Well it's not something that I want to shout out to the world." I told her as I finished with my hair. "It just sort of happened." I stated as she smirked. Once we were both ready, we left to go to the club that Y/N and her band where performing at. I was nervous to see her again because these feelings are just getting stronger and I only want something more with her but I know she will never want the same with me. As soon as we both walked inside, we both went straight the the bar and ordered our drinks.

"I didn't think that you would come." I heard her as I turned around to give her a hug. 

"I wouldn't miss it." I smiled at her which she returned. "This is my friend Scarlett." I introduced Scar and Y/N. 

"I am a huge fan." Y/N said as she shook Scarlett's hand.

"I am too. I love your music." Scar said with a smile as she released Y/N's hand. I watched as Y/N started to engage in a conversation with Scarlett before she was pulled away by one of her band mates. Scar just smirked at me as we made our way to our booth to watch their performance. 

"What is is Scar?" I asked her as she looked at me. 

"I can see why you like and don't want to end whatever thing you two have got going on together." She told me as I just looked away and watched as they announced them. The way Y/N looked up their with her guitar was amazing. She belongs up on stage and I would love to be by her side as she does. We watched as the music started as they all got lost in their performance before Y/N started to sing.

(AN ; Listen to Radio Company - Let Me Be)

Out here on my own
A little twisted in the saddle
Went up creek and drifted downstream without a paddle
Gotta go
Before the plan unravels
Can't turn back now, looks like I'm headed into battle

Defend my life
And I will always keep on fighting for it
Seems that's what they want from me
Just won't let me be

You wanna know
Everywhere that I travel
Don't look now I'm comin' in hot without a rattle
Swung low
Between the oak and the gavel
And all that guilt was gone before the rope unraveled

Defend my life
And I will always keep on fighting for it
Seems that's what they want from me
Just won't let me be

Don't think you'll ever know
Just how far I go
To get it right, the more you take away
You may care for me
Or say you're there for me
You decide, I'm going either way

Defend my life
And I will always keep on fighting for it
Seems that's what they want from me
Just won't let me be

I was in aw of their performance as they performed another couple of songs. When they had finished Tim and Lukas came to join us as we watched as Y/N and James walked outside.

"What's going on with them two?" I asked as Y/N didn't look happy at all.

"Nothing much." Tim shrugged as Lukas actually looked worried after Y/N before he decided to leave after them.

Y/N pov

I walked outside with James, I was starting to get pissed off with him constantly dissing our style of music. I decided to light up a cigarette as he started to speak. 

"You do realise that we could have had everyone up and dancing if we changed our style." He told me as I just scoffed. 

"Well then are you going to write something and compose it?" I asked him as he just huffed out his chest. 

"The music style we have right now is stupid." He said as I could feel my anger rising. 

"How dare you say that. You don't know the reason why we do this music style. Why we kept this band going." I seethed as I put my cig on the ground before squaring up to him. 

"Just face it Y/N, she is dead and she ain't coming back." He sneered as I went to punch him. But before I could, Lukas stepped in front of me and pushed me back before he turned around and punched James instead. 

"As of tonight we are looking for a new guitarist." Lukas smirked as James stood up holding his nose. "James you're out of the band." He told him sternly. 

"You can't fucking do this!" He shouted as Lukas laughed at him. 

"Yes I can. We all can especially when you mention my sister. So kindly FUCK OFF!" He shouted at James who then retreated inside to retrieve his guitar. "Are you ok Y/N?" He asked me as I just nodded. 

"I'll be in in a minute. I just need a moment." I told him as he nodded and walked back inside. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes for a moment. 

I was lay on my bed with Sally beside me as she was writing in her journal. It is the book that she seems to write small poems in or lyrics when she gets the idea. 

"What are you writing there darling?" I asked her as I leaned over her shoulder. 

"Just some lyrics. Trying to make a song to it but I just can't seem to find the right words to go with it." She spoke as she shown me what she had so far. I held the book in my hands as I felt her eyes on me. 

I wanna run away and show you all the things I wanna do
I wanna run away as quickly as we can
You're my home away from home
Home's inside of you
But you are not alone, you'll never be alone
I'm on my way back home and I've been gone so long

I smiled as I read the lyrics before me before I looked at her and gave her a soft kiss. I knew why she wrote it because we both tend to write little verses for each other. 

"That's amazing Sally." I beamed at her as I placed the book down on the nightstand as she sat on my lap and pressed her lips on mine in a needy kiss. 

When I opened my eyes, I felt a presence beside me and I smiled when I saw her. The only person to make me want to be better than I was before I met her. 

"Are you ok? You've been out here a while." She told me as she reached into my pocket and grabbed my pack of cigarettes and taking two before placing the pack back inside my pocket. I must admit that that was hot the way she just took control. She gave me one and placed the other between her own lips as I lit them. 

"I am fine now." I smiled as I took a drag as I gazed into her eyes. 

"Good. You were amazing up there by the way." She told me making me smile. "So sexy." She whispered making me smirk. 

"Yeah, what do you want to do about it?" I husked out as she threw her cig to the ground and took mine and did the same. She reached for my hand and led it under her dress. I moaned when I felt that she had no underwear on and she was wet. I could feel myself getting harder the longer I ran my fingers through her folds. I quickly turned us both around so she was the one with her back against the wall. I hiked up the skirt of her dress around her hips as she found my belt and undone my jeans allowing my friend to stand free. I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around me as I thrusted into her entrance. I started off slow and steady as we both kissed like horny teenagers. My thrusts got faster and harder as her moans became louder and her kisses became none existent. I loved the feeling of having her wrapped around me as I continued my movements. It wasn't long until she came which soon tipped me over the edge. We both panted into each others mouths as we both came down from our highs. I pulled out of her and steadied her on her feet before I helped her fix her dress before I fixed myself. I brushed her hair out of her beautiful face. She kissed me tenderly before she took my hand and led me back inside with her to enjoy the rest of our night with our friends.


Another chapter guys. Let me know what you think.

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