Chapter Five

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Lizzie's pov

I woke up on the living room floor, I had a pillow under my head and a blanket thrown over me. I sat up and wiped the sleep from my eyes and noticed that Y/N's stuff was still here but I could smell waffles. I got up and walked into the kitchen to see her stood listening to Whitesnake - Here I Go Again. I enjoyed listening to her sing. I still didn't know what she did but her voice is amazing. 

"You should become a singer." I stated making her laugh at me. I gave her a confused look as to why she laughed and waited for her to calm down. 

"I am in a band." She told me as she caught her breath. 

"Which one?" I asked her as I leaned against the counter beside her as I watched her cook. 

"Radio Silence. We're not exactly top 10 but we write the music that we love and we have our dedicated fans." She told me as I nodded. I decided to get her phone and search for their music. I started to play S.O.B (AN; Its by Nathaniel Ratecliff and the Night Sweats.) They were actually really good. They have a lot of energy and they're different. Very different.

"This is amazing." I beamed as another came on. She looked at me as she handed me a plate of waffles. 

"So what is it that you do?" She asked me as I just shook my head. "Come on. You are around my age. So you either inherited a lot of money or you're a drug lord." She said making me laugh.

"So you don't recognise me?" I asked her as she shook her head no. "I am Elizabeth Chase Olsen. Also known as the other Olsen." I told her and I watched her brain work. 

"Olsen like the twins?" She asked me as I nodded. "Wow. I didn't think of that but now that I know you do look like their triplet. Just a little taller." She said making me laugh.

"I'm also an actress." I told her as she nodded. "I haven't done anything big yet but I'm working on it." 

"I need to see some of these movies." She stated as I shook my head no. "I have your full name now love. I can easily google it." She husked out as I could feel the butterflies in my stomach go wild. I had lost all capability of speech at the closeness before she kissed my cheek. "I have to go soon. Got to meet the guys in the studio." She said as she gathered her things. I just nodded and smiled. "I'll leave the Xbox here for next time I come round and you can try and beat me." She said as she gave me a quick kiss on the lips. It felt so natural like we were meant for each other. I watched as she drove off before heading back inside. 

Y/N pov

I drove all the way to Lukas's house because I need to talk to him. I got out of my car and knocked on the door. I waited for a moment before I heard footsteps coming from the other side. 

"Y/N, what's wrong?" He asked me as he let me in. 

"I really need to talk to you." I told him as I looked towards his room. 

"She's asleep." He stated as he motioned for me to follow him to the kitchen. 

"I think I'm falling for someone." I told him as I looked down at the floor. 

"That's ok Y/N. You are allowed to move on." He told me softly. "Sally would want you to move on and give someone all of the love that you would have given her if she was here." He told me as I looked on the shelf and saw an old band picture from high school. The four of us being goofy. 

"But what about Sally?" I asked him sadly. "How can I love someone else when she is always going to be on my mind." I asked him. 

"As her brother, I thought the two of you would have been forever but the moment she got worse, it hit all of us hard. We all lost a part of us the moment she died. I lost my twin sister. You lost the woman you loved and Tim well he lost a friend. She was a huge part of who we all are today. She is the one person who encouraged our music style and she is the reason why we don't change it and aren't sell outs." He stated. He was right. She was the glue that held the band together. James was her replacement. Lukas, Tim and I work hard to write and compose our music. We all do it with her in the back of our minds. 

"Thank you." I told him honestly. 

"Don't be afraid to let someone else in." He told me as he walked me out. I gave him a hug before I started to drive. I drove to the one place that I know I might find some tranquillity. I soon pulled up outside the cemetery and took a deep breath before I picked up the flowers. She always loved yellow daisies. I walked up to her grave and placed the daisies down before I took a seat. My eyes combed over the name that I once thought would soon be Sally Y/L/N, but we never got that far.

"Hey, I know I have been kind of distant. Well not kind of, very distant. But it's still hard Sally. Very fucking hard." I took a deep breath. "I know its ben five years but that's still not very long ago. You have no idea how much I miss you. I miss you so fucking much." I took a moment to wipe the tears from my eyes before I continued. "I met this girl. She reminds me a lot like you. She is fun and down to earth despite the rich background she comes from. I really like her but I'm afraid to commit to her. I can't lose someone else. Losing you broke me. It broke my view of the world and life. I don't know how I would cope if I lost someone else like that. But I haven't been with anyone since her. She broke my streak. I used to have a perfect week every week and now I haven't been with anyone since. She makes me want to just be with her and no one else." I looked around and watched an old man laying flowers at what seemed to be his wife's grave. I smiled at the sight because even though he is frail, he still comes out to visit her all of the time. "I wanted us to grow old together Sally. I wanted to have a family with you." I told her when I turned back to face the stone. "I love you my dove." I told her as I kissed the stone before getting up and heading to my car. I sat in my car for a while as I let the tears fall. This girl truly has got me to break down my walls and she doesn't even know it. I just wish I knew how to be open with everyone else. 

I decided to drive back to my dad's a week later to see if he got any news. Once I got out of the car I ran through the pouring rain and knocked on his door. 

"Did you find anything?" I asked him as I stood there. He gave me a sad look before he spoke. 

"I'm sorry strummer, there's nothing anyone can do about it. I even passed her case along to one of the best oncologists in the state to see if we missed anything and there's nothing." He spoke sadly. "I'm sorry." He said as I shook my head in denial. 

"NO! THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING. THIS CAN'T BE IT FOR HER DAD!! IT JUST CAN'T" I shouted not caring who heard me. I started to walked backwards towards my car as he started to follow me. 

"Come on strummer, let's head inside and calm down. You can't drive like this." He told me as I started to run to my car. I needed to see her. I needed to be with her. Before I even reached my car I was tackled to the ground. "You can't drive like this. You'll kill yourself." He told me as he pinned me down. 

"Just let me kill myself then." I told him as I could hear his breathing stop at my revelation. "I don't want to live in this world if she isn't in it dad. I can't." I said as he stood up off of me and helped me up. He guided me inside and led me to my room. It hasn't changed at all since I was a  kid. The Danger Mouse bedding was still on the bed. My old fender that he bought me was stood in the corner of the room beside my keyboard. He supported my dream as did my mum. They both paid for endless lessons. We formed a band and now we're losing someone who means everything to me. I got in my shower and cried as I thought about Sally. Sally Owen. The girl who has my heart and is slowly breaking it in two.


Y/N is making sense of their feelings but feeling guilt too. Let me know what you guys think so far. I would love to hear from you all

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