Chapter Eleven

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Y/N pov

The past couple of weeks since I had opened up to Lizzie have been amazing until she told me that she is leaving to go to Atlanta to finish filming the rest of the Avengers. I couldn't help but feel a little hurt at this. As she stood there with her hands on her hips as I paced the length of her living room. 

"Why would you leave it this late to tell me?" I asked her as I ran my hands through my hair.

"I didn't think that I needed to." She told me bluntly. 

"You are carrying our baby Elizabeth. The both of you are my responsibility. What am I supposed to do if something happens when you're there and I am here." I asked her as she just laughed at me. I stalked towards her. "You think this is funny?" I asked her as I towered over her. 

"I do. You never cared about me before I was pregnant so why now?" She glared at me. I clicked my tongue and took a deep breath before I continued. 

"I love you Lizzie. I have felt something for you since the first night. That night you didn't care who I was and you actually stayed and cooked breakfast. The ones before you usually just left as soon as they woke up before I did." I told her sternly. "And the getting to spend that time with you over the months and seeing how you make me feel when I am around you. I am so in love with you that I want to be there to protect you all the fucking time." I shouted as she stared at me with darkened irises. Both of our chests rising before she lunged forward crashing her lips on mine in a hard passionate kiss. Her hands scratched at the nape of my neck as I wrapped my own around her waist and pulled her closer to me. The kissed deepened as our tongues met, the both of us fighting for dominance. I grabbed her ass and squeezed causing her body to sink into my own and a moan to leave her lips allowing me the perfect opportunity to slip my tongue in, tasting her like she's my last meal. Her hands moved from my neck as she pulled back slightly and removed her own t shirt as I followed suit. I admired her braless chest before she pulled me back to her lips in a needy kiss. I pushed her against the kitchen counter causing a gasp to leave her lips as the cold surface touched the warm soft smooth skin of her back. I reached my hand to her waistband and skipped my hand under her underwear. I ran my fingers through her folds moaning at the wetness there. I slipped a finger into her aching core as her kisses became sloppier. With each thrust her mouth became useless as she was just moaning into my mouth. I moved my kisses to her neck and sucked on her sweet spot causing her to moan. 

"Fuck." She moaned when I inserted another finger. stretching her out around them. With each pull out I curled my fingers hitting that one spot that sends her wild. 

"You look so beautiful wrapped around my fingers." I husked in her ear before I looked at her beautiful face, distorted in pure euphoria. I added a third finger enjoying the sounds that escape her before I started to attack  her breasts but leaving her nipples since they are still tender. 

"Y/N." She breathed out making me grunt at her as I quickened my pace. "I'm so close baby." She moaned as her hands were resting on my shoulders for support as I continued my thrusts.

"Come for me princess." I husked out as I thrusted a few more times and she came on my fingers. I helped her ride out her high before I removed her fingers causing her to whimper. I watched as she caught her breath as I sucked my fingers clean. She pulled me into a soft kiss before she gazed in my eyes. 

"Come with me." She whispered in the space between us. 

"What?" I asked her confused. 

"Come with me to Atlanta. It's only for a few months." She said with a smile as my mind started to go on overdrive. In a couple of months we're back in the studio needing to get our next album finished and then there is the whole writing and composing and also still looking for a replacement for James. "You know what, never mind." She said angrily as she pushed past me and picked up her t shirt. I was confused on how it went from perfect to well this. It must be the hormones.

"What is going on?" I asked her which clearly seemed to be the wrong thing to say as she turned around to face me. Anger all over her beautiful face. 

"I have just asked you to come with me to Atlanta and you have not even bothered to answer me. Do you not want to be with me anymore?" She asked me hurt by my lack of voice. 

"It's far from that princess." I told her as I stepped towards her. "I was mapping out my schedule in my head ok. I wanted to make sure that I didn't have anything planned with the band since we are looking for James replacement and then we're back in the studio in two months time to work on our new album." I continued as I cupped her cheeks. "Until then I am free as a bird ok. I will come with you but I do have to come back in two months." I finished as she gave me a soft look as I put my shirt back on and cupped her cheeks. 

"I really do love you Y/N." She whispered making me smile. 

"I really do love you Elizabeth. I really do." I told her as I kissed her softly. "Now please just let me hold you for a while ok." I told her as she smiled at me and nodded. I know that pregnancy can take it's toll on her and I want to make sure that she is ok. She is the love of my life and I am the one who gets to call her mine. Maybe everything that has happened in my life led up to this moment. Meeting her and now this pregnancy. This baby who gave me the courage to finally open up about myself and my feelings for this woman in my arms. 

I was sat beside Sally's bed, she looked weaker and paler than her usual olive skin. Her breathing was laboured as I held her hand in mine. Her parents and Lukas wanted to give me a moment alone with her because they know how much she means to me. I pulled her hand up to my lips and kissed her knuckles before resting it against my forehead. I really had to fall for the woman who would break my heart but I wouldn't change our time together. 

"Hey." She rasped out through the mask causing me to jolt my head up. 

"Hey." I whispered as I quickly got to my feet and kissed her head. My lips lingered as I took in her scent. 

"You know I love you right?" She asked me softly with a smile as I just nodded as I could feel my eyes stinging. "It's ok for you to move on. I don't want you to live in the past and what could have been. I want you to find that person who makes you feel more alive than I did. Don't be afraid to let someone else in Y/N. You deserve to be happy." 

"I love you so much Sally." I whispered with the tears falling down my face. She moved her mask slightly and puckered her lips for a kiss. The last kiss that we will share. The last moment we will share together before she succumbs into the darkness that is uncertain.


Another chapter guys. Let me know what you think.

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