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Y/N was walking through the familiar streets of her hometown. It felt weird because she felt like she didn't belong here. The streets were empty. Not a soul in sight. That was when she figured out, it was a memory. One of her most cherished memories.

That was when her eyes caught a familiar figure stood in the distance. She recognised the hair instantly, along with the wornout brown leather jacket.

"Sally?" She whispered causing the figure to turn around.

"Long time no see stranger." Sally smirked as Y/N ran towards her. Instantly wrapping her arms around her.

"I miss you." Y/N whispered. "Are you really here?"

"Nope. You are the one who is really here." Sally told her as she intertwined their fingers in between them. "I died remember."

"How could I forget the worst day of my life." Y/N told her sadly. "I died the day you left me. We had dreams together and the moment you told me you had lukeamia. I died along with you."

"No you didn't." Sally spoke tenderly. "You just built up your walls so high, making sure that no one knew the side of you that I knew. That Lizzie knows." Y/N looked up in shock causing Sally to chuckle. "Yes. I know all about Lizzie. I know how she was the one that managed to worm her way through the cracks. She made you feel happy."

"She did." Y/N smiled tenderly thinking of the other green eyed woman she fell for. "She made me feel the same things you did. It's like we're soulmates."

"You are." Sally spoke. "I was just the one to show you how good love could be, especially if you are with the right person."

"You were the right person." Y/N told her as she shook her head.

"I wasn't. I was your first love." She told her. "Lizzie is your eternal love. She is one with a fire that burns within her heart for you." Sally turned away as they looked at the tv screens in the store window. Each screen shown a memory of Y/N and Lizzie. From the moment they met. Right up until Y/N gave her life to save Lizzie and their baby. But on one came a picture of Lizzie, sat in Y/N's favourite hoodie and jeans. Sat holding Y/N's hand.

"Lizzie and you are two eternal flames destined to unite as one." Sally spoke as the two watch as Lizzie read a magazine. "You may never be able to play the guitar or the piano, but you have a beautiful baby boy with her. Her mum still has the ring you chose for her. The one you wanted to propose to her with."

"I wanted to propose after she had the baby." Y/N stated. "I wanted her to know that she is it for me. She is my soulmate."

"Well then, you have a choice to make." Sally stated as Y/N watched as another person walked in with a baby. "Do you want to remain her, living in the memories of what could have been or do you want to live for yourself, Lizzie and your baby boy. Watch him grow up. Watch Lizzie walk down the alter as you stand there patiently with tears in your eyes. Taking in the beauty before you."

"I want to live." Y/N whispered as she watched Lizzie holding their son. "I want to be there for them, but how do I get back?"

"You fight." Sally told her as she started to walk away.

"How?" Y/N called after her as she was fading in the distance.

"Fight Y/N." Sally called back before disappearing into the blackness. Y/N's eyes landed back on the screen. Watching as Lizzie sat there with the baby in her arms.

Y/N soon found herself in the same room, hearing Lizzie's voice as clear as crystal.

"It has been months Y/N. We need you." Lizzie said as she held Y/N's hand in hers as the baby gurgled and blew raspberries. "Kai needs to know who his mama is."

"I am right here." Y/N screamed but Lizzie never heard her. "I am right beside you. I am not leaving you guys.  I would never leave you both. Please tell me you hear me."

Y/N watched as the days changed. Lizzie sat beside her in a white blouse as the baby grew some more.

"He's starting to teeth. He non stop drools." Lizzie smiled as the baby babbled on in her arms. "He reminds me so much of you. I miss you Y/N. I miss my best friend. My soulmate. My forever. So please come back to me. Please."

"I am here. I am not going anywhere." Y/N yelled as the time changed again. She watched as Lizzie was pacing the room. Kai was nowhere in sight.

"Y/N. Please baby." She could hear how broken Lizzie's voice was. "They are only giving you another month before they pull the plug. You need to fight for us. Please Y/N. I can't do this without you."

"I am not going anywhere. I am right here." Y/N yelled at the top of her lungs. Willing for something to happen.

When we wake from a slumber, whether we dream or not. It isn't likely that we remember the journey we went on during our unconcious state. However long it lasts. Even when we may have seen a loved one in a dream and some people believe that is the way of their souls reaching out to those still on the living realm.

All we can do is fight to survive each day. Overcome every obstacle life throws at us. Because whether we take a detour or not, we will always end up right where we were supposed to be.


The last chapter guys. Please let me know what you have thought of the first book in the Kiwi series.

And please keep a look out for Call You Mine in the next couple of weeks. Thank you for all of you who have read and followed this fic right up until now. I love you all

Kiwi (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem GiP ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now