Chapter Three

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Lizzie's pov

After we finished the script read, Scarlett insisted on coming to mine so she can hear everything. We both sat on the sofa with a glass of wine in our hands as she just watched me as I messaged Y/N back. When I looked back up at her, she just smirked at me. 

"What?" I asked her as she just chuckled. 

"So who are they? The one who has got you smiling like an idiot." She asked me as I just chuckled at her eagerness. 

"Well I met them last night outside the club." I told her as I took a sip of wine. "She gave me a cigarette and then we got talking and then I went back to her place last night."

"Oh My God! It was a her." She squealed at me as I just laughed at her childishness. "Was she amazing?" She asked me as she rested her chin on her hand completely invested in my sex life. 

"Oh yeah. She was so fucking amazing Scar, the best sex I have ever had. And bigger than I have had before." I told her as she looked at me with wide eyes.

"So she's packing?" She asked as I nodded. 

"Oh yeah and she most definitely knows how to use it." I told her honestly as Scar just smirked at me. 

"You sly dog." She cheered as we clinked our glasses. "So are you going to see her again?" She asked me. 

"She doesn't do relationships and I am just trying to enjoy single life now that Boyd is out of the picture. But we have both decided that we will be friends instead." I told her as she nodded. 

"Well just be careful ok. I know you think that you can handle this lifestyle but truthfully Lizzie, you can't. You're the person who needs to be loved and cared for." She said. I just nodded knowing that it's true. I never done the one night stands in college because that was never who I was. I preferred to be in a relationship. I enjoy the cuddles and just being intimate without the sex even though yeah the sex is great. 

"Don't worry Scar. I'll be fine." I told her honestly. 

Over the next few days, I had thought about everything that Scar had said. Believe me I would love nothing more than to see Y/N be the person that I would love her to be but I know that that isn't going to happen. She doesn't do feelings. 

The Best Sex You Ever Had : Hey, do you want to do something tomorrow. I'm free all day.

Me : I would love to. Maybe do you want to come round mine and we can watch some movies and just hang?

The Best Sex You Ever Had : That sounds like a plan Elizabeth. I'll bring the beers. What time should I come round?

Me : Anytime. I don't have work all weekend so I am free too

The Best Sex You Ever Had : I'll see you. Anytime ;)

I couldn't help but smile at the messages as Scar came walking into my trailer. 

"So she's the best sex you ever had?" She said with a raised brow after looking at my phone over my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile as she sat on the sofa waiting. 

"Oh yeah, she definitely is." I told her with blush covering my cheeks because I haven't been able to get the memory of our night together out of my head. 

"Do you think maybe she would be interested in helping me out with my needs?" She asked as she wriggled her eyebrows. I could feel jealousy coursing through my veins at the thought of the two of them together. I don't think this is going to be good at all. I am catching feelings for her.

"I don't think so." I shrugged.

Y/N pov

I was out with Tim again tonight. He really enjoys the single life that we both lead but I am just not into it right now. He taps on some woman's shoulder causing her to turn around and face us. 

"Hey, have you met Y/N?" He said as gestured to me. I felt like a piece of meat as she eyed me up and down. I was starting to feel uncomfortable under her gaze. I decided just to go along with it which ended up with her against the wall and the both of us kissing roughly. Usually by now Junior is awake but he is having none of it. When I pulled away I thought I could see Lizzie's disapproving stare before I stepped back. 

"I'm sorry I can't do this." I told her softly as she just nodded. When I walked out of the hall back to the bar to Tim who cheered at me before I dragged him outside for a cigarette. 

"What's going on?" He asked me as he lit his smoke. 

"I honestly don't know. Usually just with a heavy make out I can be ready in seconds. Usually I could have taken her right there in that hall but I couldn't get it up." I told him slightly embarrassed. 

"How many times have you slept with someone since that girl?" He asked me. 

"None." I told him as I was irritated with myself. "I have slept with no one since Lizzie." 

"It sounds like you might actually like her." He pointed out as I just shook my head.

"No, we're just friends Tim." I chuckled as he just looked at me seriously. 

"No. It's definitely more than that Y/N." He stated as he turned to face me before he continued. "You can't get it up for anyone else since Lizzie. She is the first one that you have actually become friends with." 

"Because..." I started trying to think of a valid reason.

"Yep. You definitely like her." He smirked as I just shook my head.

"I can't let anyone in Tim. I am not ready for that and I don't think I'll ever be." I told him as he looked at me softly. He was the only one to know about the only girl that I had a long term relationship with. I closed myself off after Sally. I always thought that she was the one for me.


The third chapter guys and a little insight to the last real relationship Y/N had but you will find out in future chapters what happened to her. But please let me know what you guys think.

Kiwi (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem GiP ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now