Chapter Fifteen

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Lizzie's pov

Y/N has been busy packing everything for the both of us ready for Atlanta. Tim and Lukas have also decided to take a small vacation from work before they look for another guitarist. I love Y/N sometimes but she can be very protective of me right now and it is starting to get annoying. She won't let me do anything so right now, I am sat on the sofa sorting out a OBGYN for while we're in Atlanta because we are due to find out the gender of the baby while we are away.

"Here's a tea my love." She said as she came in the living room and handed me a cup. I smiled up at her gratefully but I knew that she was only trying her best. 

"Thank you baby." I thanked her before she soon disappeared back into the kitchen. I have no idea what she is doing in there but I can smell toast. So a few minutes later she walked back inside with a plate of anchovies on toast for me.

"I know it's gross." She teased me. "But I thought that you might want a snack."

"Can we talk?" I asked her as she gave me a concerned look.

"What's this about?" She asked me as she sat beside me. 

"I want you to tone down the overbearingness. It's starting to get on my nerves." I told her softly and I watched her deflate. "I can still do quite a lot of things. I am only pregnant. I am not ill." I told her with a smile which she just gave me a tight lipped smile as she nodded before standing up. 

"Ok." She said as she started to put her jacket on. 

"Where are you going?" I asked genuinely confused. 

"You don't want me to help you so I am heading home." She stated as I just gave her a sad look.

"No I never meant it like that baby." I told her softly as I stood before her. "I just want you to tone down the whole protective Mama act that you have got going on right now." 

"So you want me to not care and be selfish." She scoffed as she clenched her jaw. I could tell that she was getting worked up. "This is my baby too Elizabeth. I am only trying to keep the both of you safe." She took a deep breath to try and calm herself. "I am only making sure that you are treated like the queen you are to me. You deserve to be waited on hand and foot. And I just want to be the one to help you with any need you have ok." She looked down at her shoes before she spoke for the last time. "I am going back to my apartment so I'll see you." She whispered in defeat. I watched as she walked out of the door. My heart thumping in my chest. 

"God I am so stupid!" I shouted angrily as the spot she just was. I walked back to the sofa and just sat there watching whatever was on for now until we had a call. 

Y/N pov

When I made it back to my apartment which is weird, it doesn't feel like I live here anymore since I have practically moved in with Lizzie since finding out about the pregnancy. I got myself a drink and decided to clean out the fridge and cupboards of any old food since it has been a while. I just needed to do something to get her off of my mind. So this was the best I could do.

After a few hours later, my apartment smelt like a killers place after they disposed of the body and tried to clean away any evidence. And that was when I decided to sit at my piano in the corner of the living room.

I was lay in the bed with Sally as I knew she was getting weaker. I hated myself for not noticing sooner. This woman beside me is my everything. I had the best years of my life with her and now she is going to leave me and take them with her. She was the reason I wanted to play the guitar. I wanted to join their band because I wanted to know her and that is what I did, with the help of my dad who paid for my first guitar and lessons. He was the one who taught me how to play the piano. Even though he only ever used it as a relaxation technique from a hard days work. I used to just stay up late and wait for him to come home and play beside him.

That was the reason why I always went to him when I needed someone. He supported me though every aspect of my life. He made me become the person I am as I lay here beside Sally. The one who I thought I was going to marry. But god has other plans instead. 

"You know I was happy when you joined our band." She whispered to me making me smile down at her as she lay on my chest.

"Yeah?" I replied with a smirk.

"I had a crush on you from the moment I watched you play soccer. The way you moved in harmony with the ball like you were one. I was mesmerised every game." She smiled at me. I kissed the top of her head with a smile as I felt my eyes fill up.

"You were the reason why I begged my dad for guitar lessons and a guitar. I have liked you since the moment I saw you through the window to the music room as you played the bass with Lukas and Tim. I thought you were an angel." I told her with a soft smile. "But you will be an angel."

"Your angel." She whispered before she fell asleep leaving me to my thoughts. Thoughts of a future that just isn't meant to be.

I was sat at the piano with a pad and a pen as I started to scribble some verses together. And the one that caught my eye was:

Looking into your eyes

I get lost everytime

Looking at the Autumn Leaves within your irises

Makes my heart skip everytime

The thought that came to my mind was Lizzie and how her eyes are my favourite shade of green. That was when I heard a knock on the door. I answered it to a distraught looking Lizzie.

"I am sorry about how I spoke to you before. I was out of line." She told me as I let her in. "I was feeling overwhelmed and coddled. It made me feel like I was useless."

"You are not useless Lizzie." I told her softly. "The reason I am acting as I am is because I have already lost someone who was a huge part of me. She was the reason I smiled everyday. Like really smiled. And then I met you, I spent more time with you and you made me feel the same way Sally used to make me feel and that scared me back then. Those feelings I thought only belonged to Sally and Sally alone. But you changed all of that. You made me want to be the person I was before Sally died. You made me want to be the best of me." I continued after taking a breath. "You made me believe in love again. That I deserve happiness so yes I may have went overboard and made you feel like that but please next time talk to me about your feelings. I don't want you to keep things from me because we are a team and one day I plan on making that official by asking for your hand in marriage." 

She gave me a wide smile before she captured my lips in a soft and passionate kiss. A kiss that shown me how much she loves me. Words didn't need to be spoken. There was no lust or hunger. No urge to deepen it. It was just love, a love that is the most powerful thing. It can be what breaks us or what makes us. It's how we choose to handle it that matters.


Hey guys, finally another chapter. Please let me know what you guys think of this. Also the little verse is also my own work. So please let me know what you think of it.

Kiwi (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem GiP ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now