Chapter Two

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Lizzie's pov

I woke up in Y/N's bed and I smiled thinking of last night. She wasn't like any other one night stand I ever had. She was gentle and caring. I looked over and watched as she slept peacefully before I found my underwear and her shirt from last night. Once I was dressed I made my way towards the kitchen and decided to see what she had in for me to cook some breakfast. I silently cheered when I found the ingredients for waffles and a waffle maker on the counter. As I was lost in cooking, I didn't pay attention that Y/N woke up until she stood beside me.

"It smells really good in here?" She smirked as she leaned against me. She was only in her boxers and a sports bra.

"Thank you." I smiled shyly as I started on the last waffle. 

"You know this isn't usually how one night stands work." She stated as I turned around after finishing the last waffle. 

"And how would they work?" I challenged as she blocked me in against the counter. 

"Usually the woman leaves before I wake up." She whispered in my ear. My heart was beating erratically but I kept my face stoic.

"And usually the other doesn't usually clean me up or ask for my consent." I told her as she stepped back. 

"What?" She asked me shocked. "So the other one night stands you have had never asked for consent or aftercare?" She asked me as I just shook my head no. "They are all worthless pigs."

"Why do you do it?" I ask her as I took a bite of my waffle. 

"Because even though it is mostly just about the sex, I would still like the woman I am with to feel comfortable in my presence. It's just I respect everyone I have slept with and they trust me with their pleasure when we you know." She told me as I just smiled at her softly. I looked over at the clock on the wall and gasped. 

"Fuck, I'm late for work." I told her as I went to her room and started to look around for my dress and shoes. 

"Hey, let me drive you home to get dressed." She said as she started to get dressed and threw me some joggers. I fastened her shirt all the way before we both made our way out to her car. I gave her directions to my house and when she pulled up in my driveway. 

"Can I have your number?" I asked her as she looked down. 

"I don't sleep with the same person twice Lizzie." She said as I just chuckled.

"Not for that Y/N. I want to be your friend. You seem like an amazing person to hang with without the sex." I told her softly as she took my phone and typed in her number before she handed it back to me. I laughed at her contact name that she put for herself.

The Best Sex I've Ever Had 

I laughed as I stepped out of the car before heading inside. I quickly put on some jeans and my sneakers. I tucked Y/N's shirt into my jeans and made my way to my car. I drove to set ready for the script read for the new Avengers movie. I met everyone on the set of Captain America and the Winter Soldier for our cut scene. I had already hung out with Scar and it was her I was out with last night. 

"Where did you disappear to last night?" She asked me as we walked together. 

"Somewhere." I shrugged as she gasped. 

"That isn't your shirt." She smirked at me. 

"How do you know it's not?" I asked her as we reached the meeting room. 

"Because it is too big for you. And you're later than usual." She stated. "So who was it?" She asked me. 

"It's just a one night stand Scarlett. Nothing more." I told her as I blushed thinking about last night. 

"But you loved it." She smirked as she noticed my flustered state. "You have got to tell me about it later. I want to know everything." She said with a smirk making me laugh at her. 

"Why do you need to know?" I asked her. 

"Because my marriage has gone dry and I am going to live vicariously through your single life now." She said making laugh as we took our designated seats. 

Y/N pov

I made my way to the studio to meet the guys. James and Lukas and their girlfriends were there and we were just waiting on Tim. I smirked knowing that last night must've went well for him too. Feeling proud of myself I helped myself to a beer that was provided in the fridge. 

"You do know it's only 11am." Stacey, James girl stated with a disgusted look making me laugh. I popped the top off in front of her and took a huge gulp. 

"Refreshing." I said making James and Stacey glare at me as Lukas and Brit just laughed. We all looked as Tim came strolling in. 

"You're late." James scolded as Stacey stood behind him. I am really starting to hate this bitch. 

"Hey hang on one minute." I told him before I turned to Tim. "Did you get lucky?" I asked him with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, I was lucky last night and this morning. So please call me St Paddy." He said as I cheered along with Lukas as the three of us broke out another beer. James thinks he is the one who is in charge of the band when in reality, Tim, Lukas and I were the original three. James only joined because we needed another guitarist. He hasn't even written any songs either. 

"Hey, I've been working on something lately." I said as we all went in to the booth. I grabbed my guitar and start to play the riff to You Worry Me. (AN: its originally by Nathaniel Ratecliff and The Night Sweats.) 

"Can we maybe do something more modern. You know broaden our fanbase." James said as the three of us just glared a him. 

"He is right. You can get more money." Stacey spoke up making me angry. 

"No one asked you Stacey! This band is between us four and we are not sell outs. We will do the music that we like. We have fans who love the music. We still have sold out shows and maybe we haven't had a number one hit but we create music because it's something we are passionate about." I shouted at them both. James looked at me shocked by my outburst while Stacey just huffed and left. "So where were we?" I smiled as I looked at everyone in the room. 

"It is a good riff, we just need to work on the lyrics and the rest of the instrumentals and then we can record." Lukas said as he started to work on some of the melodies that we could possibly. We spent all day working on the song that I had neglected to see that I had a few notifications. I had a few messages off of my mum and brother then an unknown number.

Unknown : Hey it's Lizzie from last night. I just thought I'd text and give you my number.

Me : Hey Lizzie, do you maybe want to hang out sometime?

Lizzie : Yeah that sounds great. I'm free on Saturday if you want to do something then.

Me : I'll message you with the details ;)

I couldn't help but smile as I walked out to my car with Tim. He smirked at me all the way to my car as he stood before me expectantly.

"What?" I asked him as I unlocked the door. 

"So did you score last night?" He wriggled his eyebrows making me laugh and shake my head at him. 

"I do not kiss and tell man." I told him as I opened the car door. 

"Come on, don't leave me hanging." He whined. 

"What do you think?" I told him with a smirk as I got in and shut the door. I laughed at his stunned state as I drove home. I was happy with the progress the three of us made with the new song but I have a feeling we may need a new guitarist soon because James isn't who he used to be. 


Another chapter in one day. I like to start books with at least two chapters so you've got more to read. Let me know what you guys think of it so far. 

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