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"Oi, Han, come hang?" I heard someone call. I looked over to the alley to see an old schoolmate with a bunch of others, smoking a cigarette as he leaned against the wall.

"Come on, he's too good for us now that he got that Ouran Academy Scholarship, no use in asking," His buddy who I didn't know laughed.

I continued walking down the crowded sidewalk. "Ru! He was just joking! Come back, man!" Daisuke shouted.

I merely ignored him and kept walking. I got home to the apartment and unlocked the door. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. I jumped when I heard a loud sniffing sound. 

I looked over toward our living room to see my mother snorting a line of a white substance. "Mom? I'm home," I spoke, making her head shoot upright.

"Oh! Hey baby! How was school?" She hooted, wiping her nose.

"It was good," I murmured, looking at the scattered needles and assorted drugs in tiny zip-lock baggies. "I thought you said you'd stop selling?" I sighed.

"You know, I really thought I could stop, but it's the only way I can get money! This is how I am able to provide for us! You understand, don't you baby?" She pleaded. It wasn't needed though. Our father, though he was never home, still brought money to the table.

It was like she thought I could just take it all away. If only that were possible.

"I'll be in my room," I told her before walking away. 

I slid my door open and stepped into my room, closing and locking it behind me. Our apartment wasn't very big. It had a living room and kitchen, three bedrooms, and two bathrooms.

My room was always kept clean, unlike the rest of the apartment. My walls were painted a blueish grey while I had dark wooden floors. I took off my shoes and set them by my door. I slipped my slippers on and let out a deep sigh.

My room was small. But at least it was clean and didn't smell like any other room in the house.

My bed consisted of a low wooden bedframe with a full-sized mattress on top of it. There was a small headboard that jutted out behind it. I put my phone on the foot-tall nightstand that sat beside the right side of my bed. 

I put my bag down by the nightstand and laid down on my bed, my legs hanging off the side. I liked that my bed was close to the floor since the floor was heated so it'd keep my bed warm. After a few minutes, I got up and grabbed a white t-shirt, a pair of boxer briefs, and some black sweats from my dresser on the left side of my bed. 

I stepped out of my slippers and went into my bathroom and locked the door. I set my clean clothes on the vanity and then took off my clothes. I threw them in my laundry basket by the sink before turning on the warm water. I waited for it to warm up before I stepped under the warm shower.

I washed quickly so I wouldn't experience when the water would turn cold. I dried off and got dressed. I brushed my teeth and my black hair. It was starting to get long again. My bangs were touching my cheekbones and the back of my hair ended at about the middle of my neck.

I grumbled at the sight of the dark rings under my dull green eyes.

I cleaned up my bathroom before I took my basket into my room and set it by the door. I put my slippers back on and went into the living room. My mother was gone, meaning she had gone out for her nighttime activities.

I got busy. I put on some heavy-duty rubber gloves and started cleaning. My mother said she was going to move her hobby into her room but never had the motivation to clean up so I figured I'd give her a hand.

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