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"So Ru, you live by Haruhi, right? Have you two been friends for long?" One of my new guests, Nabi asked. 

"Haru-Chan and I have known each other for a long time. I guess they're like a little brother to me," I stated somewhat shyly with a guarded expression, making my guests giggle.

If I was being honest, I was not feeling the Tsundere type at all.

"Ru, I don't know how but I lost one of my sandals!" Honey whimpered before bursting into tears. 

"It's okay Haninozuka-San, I'm sure we'll find it," I reassured, patting his shoulder. "Why don't we go ask Morinozuka-San, maybe he's seen it?" I questioned.

"Aw! Ru is so cute!" Jina squealed to Nabi.

"Mitsukuni," Takashi spoke as he walked up to us. He knelt down and held out Honey's missing sandal and slid it onto his foot. "I noticed that you dropped it," He said.

"Thank you, Takashi!" Honey cheered tearfully, leaping into his arms, and making the girls swoon.

"Ru, did you forget to take your medicine this morning?" Haruhi suddenly asked me. 

"Huh?" I questioned. 

"You look a little pale so I was wondering if you took your medicine. Are you feeling dizzy at all?" She interrogated.

"No, I forgot. But I'm fine," I chimed.

Haruhi let out a stressed sigh.

I jumped when I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder from behind me.

"Are you okay, Ru?" Mori asked, the butterflies fluttering in my stomach as he looked down at me.

I swallowed quickly and nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay, thank you Morinozuka-San," I smiled.

I went to go get some tea for my guests and passed by Tamaki who was speaking with a new guest. 

"Hey, what's going on-"

"Don't touch me! You phony!" The girl screamed as she shoved Tamaki into me, knocking me down. I managed to save the tea set with minimal spills.

"Tamaki, are you alright?" I questioned as he lay dazed in my lap.

"She punched me," He squeaked.

The twins pulled him up and I carefully stood up. I went back to my guests and set the tea set down. 

"Wow, you hardly spilled! How did you do that?" Nabi exclaimed as I topped off their drinks.

"Well, it's kind of hard not to try to impress pretty ladies, not that I was trying to impress you or anything," I murmured causing the girls to squeal and giggle.

Once club ended I quietly tried to make my leave only to be stopped by the twins. "If we have to endure this, you do too," Kaoru dictated. I grumbled and was sat next to the girl that punched Tamaki. 

Renge I think her name was eyed me carefully as I avoided all eye contact.

"So what type are you?" She questioned, sipping her tea.

"The cowardly type. Bye," I said awkwardly, getting up and making a break for the door.

"Ru! Get back here!" Haruhi screeched as I skirted out the door. 

I jogged down the stairs and exited the building. I noticed Mori walking toward me from the limo. 

When did he leave? Maybe he was just grabbing something. 

"Hey Morinozuka-San," I greeted as I was about to pass him.

"Mori-Senpai! Stop him!" Tamaki yelled from the window.

Mori acted quickly and went to grab me but I faked one direction and went another, throwing him off. I sprinted down the street and started to run home. I got to our apartment buildings and doubled over, panting heavily.

I trudged up the stairs and unlocked the door. I locked it behind me and took off my shoes, placing them by the door. I loosened my tie and started to unbutton my shirt. I stripped my uniform off and threw it in my laundry basket. I tugged on some shorts and a t-shirt.

I pushed my window up, letting some fresh air in. This was why I liked having the corner unit.

I took a deep breath and flopped onto my bed.

"I can't believe you ran all the way home you coward," I heard Haruhi huff from the other side of my window about an hour after I had gotten home.

"Yeah well, she was giving me the crazy eyes and I wasn't about to stick around," I retorted with a slight smirk.

"Only you would know what 'crazy eyes' are," She mumbled, climbing through the window. She took her shoes off and flopped down next to me. 

"Also, did you see Mori's face when you faked him? I thought for sure he was going to get you and then he almost fell over," Haruhi laughed.

"Yeah well, I'm sure he just wasn't expecting it was all," I chuckled. 

I heard the front door suddenly hit the wall, indicating my father was home. I sighed deeply and sat up. 

"Sorry to cut our visit short but my dad's home," I said, patting her shoulder. 

"It's alright, I got a lot of chores to do anyway. Are you coming for dinner?" She asked as she slid her shoes on and started to exit the way she came. 

"So far," I confirmed with a small wave. She closed my window behind her and I got up.

I stepped out of my room and went to the living room where my dad was sprawled on the couch, chugging a beer.

"Hey dad, how was work?" I greeted.

He let out a belch as he finished his can. "It was work," He responded.

I let out a soft sigh and went to go back to my room. I just hope he wouldn't be in one of his moods later. 

"Stop looking at me like that," My father growled, stopping me in my tracks.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Like what?" I asked.

"You're always looking at me with those pitiful eyes. I don't want your fucking pity," He hissed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," I apologized. 

I retreated back to my room and slid on my slides. I slipped out my window and went to Haruhi's house. 

I took my shoes off at the door. "Is he in one of his moods?" Haruhi asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah," I grumbled sitting down on the floor in the living room.

"Kids I'm home!" Ranka chimed as he walked through the door.

"Hi, Dad," Haruhi and I chorused.

After eating dinner with the Fujioka's, I climbed back into my room and went to bed. Hopefully, tomorrow isn't as chaotic.

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