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Just as I was about to knock on the front door it swung open and Honey grabbed me and started running, giving me hardly anytime to take off my shoes or to drop my bag.

"Mitsukuni! Where are we going?" I panted as we sprinted down the hall.

"We're playing hide and seek and Takashi's it. Hide here!" Honey said in a hushed voice, shoving me into a closet.

"W-What? Okay," I stammered after he had been long gone.

I sighed and moved to the back of the closet and hid behind a few coats.

After a few minutes the closet door opened. I held my breath as who I assumed to be Mori moved the coats around. I very carefully moved behind him and squeezed out the closet, closing the door behind me and booking it down the hall.

I found another closet nearby and very quietly shut the door behind me. I stood in the corner next to the door and behind a few coats. I figured he'd be more likely to look farther back than right under his nose.

I froze when my closet door opened sooner than I would've liked. I was worried he'd hear my heart beating due to the adrenaline. I let out a yelp when the coats in front of me were suddenly moved, revealing my position.

"You'll never take me alive!" I declared, only for him to catch me while I tried to dive under his arms.

"Worth a shot," I sighed, while he chuckled softly. He steered me off to the lounge area where the rest of the hosts were.

"Did I win?" I asked excitedly.

"No, Mori-Senpai is still looking for Honey-Senpai," Kaoru said.

"Wow, he really stuffed me in a closet and took the best hiding spot for himself," I scoffed.

The twins chuckled while I sat down.

"Where's Haruhi?" I asked, noticing she wasn't there.

"She said she couldn't come," Hikaru shrugged.

She probably told them that she had a bunch of chores when in reality she just wanted to stay home and study. I don't blame her.

After Honey was found we all changed into our bathing suits so we could go swimming. Their pool was ginormous. They also had a large slide and a couple of diving boards.

"Cannon ball!" Honey yelled as he rushed toward me.

"Wait!" Was all I could squeak out before Honey tackled me into the pool.

"Mitsukuni! What the heck?" I laughed once I broke the surface only to be met with an evil giggle. I splashed him playfully.

"Let's play Marco Polo!" Tamaki cheered.

"Not it!" I shouted, putting my finger on my nose, followed by Kyoya, Tamaki, the twins, and Mori, leaving Honey to be it.

Kyoya got onto a donut floaty and lounged about while absently calling Polo.

I stayed by one of the pool edges while the twins messed with Honey, staying right behind him at all times.

Mori moved over by me and I smiled up at him.

"Marco!" Honey shouted.

"Polo!" I laughed. "Morinozuka-San, what are you doing?" I whispered, watching as he suspiciously moved behind me.

"Marco!" Honey chimed again, this time closer to us.

"Polo," Mori said, grabbing my shoulders and holding me in front of him.

"Let go!" I squeaked, trying to swim away desperately while Honey moved toward us, his hands out in front of him as he felt around blindly.

UNDER THE INFLUENCE |MORI X M!OC|Where stories live. Discover now