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"Tamaki! Let go!" I grunted as I tried to push him away, his face getting too close for comfort. 

"Come on! Let me give you a hug! Please Ru-Senpai? Haruhi says you give great hugs!" Tamaki begged as he tried to wrap me in his arms.

"I don't want a hug, get off!" I huffed, pushing his face away.

I gasped suddenly when I was lifted into the air. "Mori-Senpai! Why do you keep taking my precious children?" Tamaki whimpered as Mori set me down gently. 

"I am not your child. I'm older than you," I growled at Tamaki, making him cower behind the twins. Mori gently patted my shoulder.

"Where did you get that Jinbei set? I had a set just like that and I can't find it," Haruhi questioned me. I gave her an unknowing shrug, even though I distinctly remember snatching it from her closet like a week ago.

"Not sure," Was all I said.

"Hey, Ru! Will you come and throw darts with me?" Honey chirped, grabbing my hand.

I followed Honey and we played a few Festival games.

Honey let out a gasp and pointed toward a festival ride. "They've got a spinning tea cup ride! Come on, guys! Let's go ride it!" Honey cheered excitedly. 

I swallowed thickly, not being a huge fan of festival or fair rides. "I think I'll sit this one out," I stammered sheepishly as we were about to get on.

"It'll be fun!" The twins chimed, grabbing my arms and pushing me into one of the seats. I shot Haruhi a petrified look while she had one of amusement. 

"Oh no," I murmured as the bar lowered over my legs. 

"You'll be okay," I heard Mori reassure as he gave my knee a slight squeeze.

We started moving and I shut my eyes tightly holding on tightly to the bar. I let out a shout as it jolted me to the left, making me slide right into Mori.

The twins laughed manically as they made the ride go faster.

I started to feel lightheaded as we gained speed, the ride thrashing me left and right as it switched directions.

Once it was done I staggered off, a bit woozy and dazed. 

"Ru-Ru... You okay?" Haruhi questioned worriedly.

"I'll be right back," I grumbled, noticing a garbage can not ten feet from me.

I grabbed both sides of the can and hurled. I felt gentle hands gather my hair and tie it into a short ponytail. Once I was done I wiped my mouth and turned.

"Thanks," I murmured to Mori who rubbed my back comfortingly.

"Mori-Senpai, why don't you walk Ru-Senpai home?" Kyoya suggested.

"It's alright. I can walk myself. I don't want you to miss out on the festival because of me," I denied, waving my hands.

"I don't mind," Mori spoke, catching me slightly off guard. I only sighed in resignation.

We walked silently as Mori led the way. It somewhat surprised me that he had already had the route memorized. It was hard not to take my eyes off of his backside. It was a lot easier to see his muscles without the bulkiness of our school uniform. 

As we were walking I noticed a box sitting in the middle of the road. Something about the box told me to move it. I looked both ways before I ran into the street and picked up the box, going to put it by the nearby dumpster. 

I let out a startled gasp when the box moved in my hands, making me almost drop it. "What is it?" I heard Mori ask.

I set the box down and hesitantly opened the flap with the tip of my finger. A pair of green eyes stared up at me. It was a small black cat with small spots of orange and white. I was mildly surprised it was a tortoiseshell cat since that coat was so rare. I gingerly reached down and pulled out the kitten who was maybe the size of both of my hands. 

UNDER THE INFLUENCE |MORI X M!OC|Where stories live. Discover now