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I got dressed in an oversized white t-shirt and black shorts. Then went to the Pension where the host's had planned on tailing Kaoru and Haruhi's date.

"Be careful boss, they'll see us!" Kaoru grunted as he held Tamaki back.

"Why did Hikaru and Haruhi end up on a date anyway? I don't understand!" Tamaki screeched as he shook the crap out of Kaoru.

"Haruhi's on a date? With Hikaru instead!" I gasped, looking out the window of the cafe we were going.

"She's growing up, going on her first date already," I whined dramatically. I never thought she'd agree but, lo and behold, there's a first time for everything.

Takashi and I trailed behind the others while they tailed Hikaru and Haruhi.

"Hey, since we're here. Do you want to go on a date?" I asked quietly, gently grabbing Takashi's hand and swinging it as we walked.

Takashi smiled and we peeled away from the group.

"Ooh, pickled yams. I heard Karuizawa is famous for their pickled food," I gushed as I held one up to Takashi on a tooth pick.

Takashi leaned down and bit the pickled yam of the pick and chewed.

"Not bad," He nodded.

I got some Dango and Takashi got an ice cream cone.

"We should head back, it looks like it might rain," Takashi stated.

I looked up at the sky, which seemed to be growing darker by the minute.

"Yeah, you're right. I just hope Hikaru and Haruhi make it back in time," I replied.

We made it just as it started pouring.

"Wow, it really is raining cats and dogs out there," I laughed as I closed the door behind us.

"Is Haruhi and Hikaru with you?" Tamaki asked desperately.

"No, why?" I questioned, jumping when there was a loud boom of thunder.

Just then, the phone started to ring and Misuzu went to answer it.

I didn't like the feeling in the pit of my stomach I got when Misuzu hung up and looked over at me.

"It was Arai. Evidently, Hikaru left Haruhi in front of the produce shop and decided he'd head back on his own. Arai said Haruhi took off after Hikaru and that's when it started pouring," Misuzu explained.

Tamaki pulled out his phone and held it to his ear, the phone dialing as he waited.

"You idiot! I want you to turn around and start looking for Haruhi right now! What kind of jerk would leave a girl out in a thunderstorm like this by herself?! Now you listen to me, Haruhi is terrified of thunder! Whenever she hears it she gets so scared she can't even move! Why don't you spend less time concentrating on your jealousy and think of someone else for once!" Tamaki yelled into his phone furiously before hanging up.

"Where are you going, Ru?" Honey asked as I headed to the door.

"I'm going to go look for Haruhi," I stated, stepping out before anyone could say anything.

I ran into town, the rain drenching me as I looked around.

My eyes landed on a church that was hidden behind a canopy of trees. I ran over to the doors and peaked my head in.

There was a loud crack of thunder followed by a bright flash of lightning.

"Haru, are you in here?" I called.

"We're in here!" I heard Hikaru call.

I saw them huddled under a table and ran over to them. Haruhi wrapped her arms around my shoulders as I knelt down in front of them.

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