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"Ugh, this darn blister is driving me nuts," I heard Kaoru huff quietly from his table.

"Is it from when the tea spilled yesterday?" His brother whispered back. Kaoru nodded. I leaned forward over the couch and tapped on Kaoru's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help but overhear. I have some aloe vera and some gauze in my bag," I offered. 

"Oh, uh, thanks Ru-Senpai," He said hesitantly, holding his hand toward me. I reached into my bag and grabbed my small bottle of aloe vera. I gently covered his blistered finger and then wrapped it with some light gauze. 

"You should do this two to three times a day with new gauze and a little bit of aloe vera or petroleum jelly. It'll keep it disinfected and help it heal faster," I said softly.

Kaoru nodded and turned back around in his seat, returning his attention to his brother.

After our morning classes the next day, it was time for our physical exams. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. 

"I can't wait for Han Ru-Senpai's exam. You know he's gotta be fit if he does archery," I heard a girl giggle from behind me.

"Yeah, that uniform really gets my imagination running," Her friend giggled.

I shuddered.

"You'll get used to it," Hikaru smirked.

"I don't think that's something I want to get used to," I grumbled.

Haruhi patted my back and then hooked her arm with mine. The door opened revealing the rows of nurses and doctors. I subtly pulled my arm away from Haruhi and turned around.

"Ah, ah, ah, not so fast Ru-Senpai," The twins chimed, grabbing my shoulders and turning me around. I let out a whine and slouched slightly.

"Mr. Han, please follow me this way to have your height measured?" A nurse requested, grabbing my hand. 

"Um," I stuttered as I was brought to the examination area. I did a double take when I saw Honey and Mori dressed as doctors.

"Help me," I mouthed to them while I was pulled away. 

"Okay, Mr. Han, please take off your shoes and step onto the scale!" The nurse chirped. 

I did as I was told and stepped onto the scale. "54 kilograms. You've lost a little bit of weight over the break! Good work! Now, please stand with your back against the scale so we can get your height measured?" The nurse requested with a smile.

I felt weird having all these girls staring at me and whispering.

"One-hundred-seventy-one centimeters. You've had quite the growth spurt since last spring!" The nurse chirped.

"Oh, I guess," I murmured, even though I was still pretty short.

"Now, please disrobe behind the curtain so we can take your chest measurements?" She requested. I nodded and went behind the curtain. 

I set my blazer down against the chair and loosened my tie. I slid it off and unbuttoned my shirt, setting both on top of my blazer. I pulled my pants up slightly to make sure my briefs weren't peeking out from the waistband.

I stepped out from behind the curtain and the girls cheered, making me jump. I wasn't expecting them to be so loud. They took my measurements and then had me sit down so they could take my blood pressure.

She put the cuff on my arm and the stethoscope on my inner arm and started to squeeze as she looked at the pressure gauge, slowly releasing the air. "I'm sorry, let me do that again," She murmured, retaking my blood pressure.

"I will be right back, please sit tight," The nurse said gently, getting up and walking over to a group of doctors. 

"Everything going okay?" I heard Kyoya ask.

"I don't know. The nurse took my blood pressure a couple of times and now she's talking to the doctors," I shrugged. Kyoya furrowed his eyebrows and walked elsewhere.

The doctor came back and took my blood pressure. "One-Hundred over seventy-five," The doctor read aloud. "Mr. Han, is it normal for you to get dizzy spells, or nausea during the day?" The doctor suddenly asked.

"Yeah, sometimes," I murmured. 

"Mr. Han, have you ever heard of Hypotension?" The Doctor asked me. 

I nodded. "Yeah, my grandfather had it. I think my Dad does too but I'm not sure," I replied.

"Well, looking at your current blood pressure and your previously documented blood pressures and blood tests it's safe to say you have Hypotension. What I recommend is for you to take Fludrocortisone and take one tablet a day. It should help with your blood pressure. But you should also follow up with your family doctor to do some more testing," The doctor explained.

He gave me a few more instructions and sent me on my way. 

"So, what was that all about?" Haruhi asked me as we started to walk back to the club room. 

"What was what about?" I questioned.

She sighed. "Gee I don't know, the crowd of doctors that surrounded you during your exam?" She huffed in exasperation. 

"Oh, that," I chuckled sheepishly, "I guess my blood pressure was just a little low," I shrugged.

"It's always low," Haruhi grumbled rolling her eyes.

"What do you say to ice cream on the way home? My treat?" I offered, bumping her shoulder with my side. 

"Sure why not," Haruhi smiled.

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