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It continued to rain while the guests hurriedly entered the ceremony hall, clutching their black umbrella's that matched their black outfits.

People talked quietly amongst themselves while some others cried.

Ru's portrait sat in the middle of a beautiful arrangement of white flowers, which rested behind the white coffin that sat below it.

As proof of the life that Ru had lived, the funeral was drowned in the tears of all the people who came to mourn him.

The monk chanted quietly as everyone sat in their seats, waiting for their moment to approach the table to pray.

In the front row were Ru's Mother and Step father. Yuzuha and Ranka did their best to console Naomi, Ru's mother.

Haruhi sat quietly next to her father, not being able to bring herself to look up at Ru's portrait. That would make it real, and Haruhi couldn't face the fact that she was never going to see her that person she considered a brother ever again.

Behind them, was Takashi, Mitsukuni, Tamaki, Kyoya, and the twins. 

Takashi stared at Ru's portrait, taking in his smile and bright eyes. Ru looked so radiant in his picture. But not as radiant as he did in person. Mitsukuni gently squeezed Takashi's hand as tears trailed down his cheeks.

Takashi never had the chance to say that he returned Ru's love.

Tamaki and Kyoya remained calm, despite the feelings they were having. Even though they didn't always get along with Ru, they still loved him as a friend. 

They were one big family, and to Tamaki, it seemed like it would never be whole again without Ru.

The twins held each other as they cried quietly, missing their friend.

When it came time to pray, Haruhi couldn't move. She was frozen to her seat.

"Haruhi, it's time to say goodbye," Tamaki said, barely above a whisper as he place a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Haruhi shook her head. "I can't. He, He can't really be gone," Haruhi trembled.

Tamaki wrapped his arms around Haruhi as she cried quietly, her tears wetting the lapel of his black blazer.

In the back of the ceremony hall, stood Ru's father Bao. For once, he was sober. He was just a shell of a person, unable to come to the terms with reality. 

Bao was regretful, the last words he said to his son distasteful and ugly. Bao couldn't bring himself to go any further, only able to watch from afar.

He didn't want to upset his ex-wife more than she already was.

"Takashi, come here," Naomi beckoned gently after Takashi paid his respects and prayers.

Takashi couldn't help his lip from quivering as Ru's mother wrapper her arms around his shoulders as he bent down to accept the hug.

"I know how much you cared for him. And he does too, so don't have any regrets, okay?" Naomi said with a small, yet sad smile as she caressed Takashi's tear stained cheek.

"I'm sorry," Was all Takashi could choke out, his voice hoarse.

Thank you everyone who has stuck around this long. This concludes 'Under The Influence' and I hope you enjoyed it!

There is a possibility of bonus features but as of right now, I don't know what those will entail. But let me know in the comments what you want to see!

Again, thank you all so much for your love and support! I have a few other stories I'm working on, but I'm going to try and finish them before I post them so I can have a set schedule.

Until next time,
Fizzie <3


I'm sorry.

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