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"Ru! Get your ass out here now!" I heard my father bellow, making me bolt out of bed before my alarm.

I got up and slid my door open. I stepped out and closed it, locking it behind me. I hesitantly went to the living room. 

"You packed up all your shit," He accused drunkenly. "I thought you were my kid!" He shouted at me. 

"I'm not going anywhere. What are you talking about?" I shot back at him.

"Your mom had these papers dropped off. The court thinks I'm not fit to be your father, but they're wrong!" He yelled, progressively getting angrier.  "You don't think I'm a good father, don't you?" He jeered, pushing my shoulders back and getting in my face.

"Dad, I think you need to sit down," I warned gently.

"Fuck you!" He shouted, shoving me hard enough to knock me down.

"Hurting me isn't going to solve anything it's only going to prove their point!" I yelled back at him.

"After all, I've done for this family this is how I'm repaid? You are such a worthless and ungrateful child!" He screamed at me, his chew making my eyes burn as he grabbed me by the front of my shirt.

He yanked me up and I shoved him off. "Don't touch me!" I snapped.

"What'd you just say to me?" He asked in shock.

"I said, don't touch me," I reiterated, maintaining eye contact with him.

I gasped when he suddenly grabbed me, his knuckles making contact with the side of my face. I moved my hands up to block but he had grabbed my hair, making me yelp out in pain. I clenched my jaw tightly as I pried at his hands, trying to get him to release me.

"You know for a boy you have really long hair. You should cut it," He growled, flipping his knife open. I shut my eyes tightly hoping he wouldn't cut me. I heard the cutting of my hair and I dropped to the floor, seeing a handful of hair in my father's hand. I moved to get away but he kneed me in the stomach, making me crash back into the ground, gasping for air as the wind left my lungs.

I groaned and rolled onto my back, holding my side. I slowly got up, avoiding his eyes.

"Let this be a lesson to you. You aren't going anywhere unless it's school. Do you understand?" He hissed at me. 

"Okay," I wheezed out painfully as I worked on getting back up.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you! When I speak you answer!" He shouted.

I only had a split second to bring my arms up to protect my head as he swung a wooden chair at me, knocking me into our glass coffee table. I let out a painful cry as multiple glass shards pierced my arm and shoulder.

I laid there in a daze, not sure if I could even get up.

"Oh my God," I heard my father mumble in anguish.

I slowly sat up as there was a knock at the door. My mind couldn't even register that my arm was gushing blood. I could only stare at it.

"Ranka, I messed up, can you help me please?" My father asked in a panic. 

"Ru!" I heard Haruhi's dad gasp as she was suddenly at my side. The pain made me suddenly feel nauseous and my head swam.

Next thing I know I was at the hospital with multiple stitches.

I sat up in my hospital bed with a large cast of gauze around my arm with large pads wrapped around my shoulder. Ranka rubbed her thumb over the back of my hand soothingly. 

"I called your mom, she should be here soon," She told me quietly.

"Does Haruhi know I'm here?" I questioned.

Ranka shook her head. "She's still at school. Do you want me to call her?" She suggested.

"No," I answered quietly, "I don't want to worry her."

The door slid open and in came my mother and her new fiancé. "Ru I'm so glad you're okay!" She gushed, going to my side and kissing the top of my head. She then wrapped Ranka in a tight hug, thanking her profusely.

Yuzuha seemed nervous. He stood there stiffly, not knowing what to do with himself.

"Oh, Haruhi's calling. Happy birthday, Kiddo," Ranka spoke, stepping into the hall. 

I looked over at Yuzuha. "You can sit down, I don't mind," I beckoned. He nodded and took a seat next to my mom where Ranka was originally sitting.

"So, I take it I'm not going back to dad's?" I questioned.

My mother gave me a tight smile. "No, baby. Yuzuha and I have already moved your things to your new room at the estate," She reassured me.

"Even the cat?" I asked worriedly, hoping that he wasn't forgotten.

"Of course," Yuzuha added.

After a couple of hours, I was allowed to be discharged.

Before we went home we stopped at a barber to fix my hair. Now I looked like every other average Joe. I wasn't a fan, but it would have to do for now.

We arrived at the estate and I was in awe. It was traditional, but a lot larger than I had imagined.  But that was probably a given since there was a lot of land within the stone wall fences.

My new room was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. It had an open concept, the wall adjacent to the door was practically a large sliding glass door with windows on either side. The floor was smooth white tile with silver framing. 

I sat down on the bed that was in the corner by the glass door. I was so incredibly sore. I jumped when I felt something rub against my arm that wasn't bandaged. The kitten crawled into my lap and curled up. 

I let out a soft sigh. "I suppose I should give you a name," I murmured. "How about Daru?" I questioned. He only chirped and rolled onto his back so I could rub his belly. I scoffed softly and complied.

Maybe I could get used to this?

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