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"We're going to Karuizawa, in a helicopter?" I asked skeptically, watching the limo with all the luggage take off.

"Well, we are," Kyoya stated, "Due to your injury, I felt it would be best if you and Mori-Senpai took a separate limo, given that you already have trouble breathing. It might be best for you to stay on the ground."

"If you say so," I shrugged. I preferred it that way anyway, I wasn't a big fan of heights.

Mori and I got into a second limo and started to make our way to Karuizawa.

"So, why Karuizawa?" I asked.

"Haruhi's staying there," Takashi shrugged.

I only nodded and rested my head on Takashi's shoulder. I could only pray we weren't going where I think we're going.

As we started to roll down the familiar street my chest started to tighten.

"Oh no, not this place," I grumbled in anguish as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Hm?" Takashi inquired as the limo rolled to a stop in front of the pension. Ranka's friend, Misuzu was not my biggest fan.

As soon as the door unlocked I got out and looked around skittishly.

"Ru!" Haruhi gasped, running out to see me.

"Hey!" I chuckled nervously as she hugged me.

"Don't. Run," Haruhi warned me tightly before pulling away with a smile.

She knew me too well.

"Is that who I think it is?" Misuzu gasped, stepping out of the front door.

I skittishly looked to my left, looking for an escape, but Haruhi reached up and wrapped her arm around my shoulder making me slouch.

"Yes! He's come to visit! It's been awhile, hasn't it?" Haruhi grinned.

"Yes, if I remember, last time he was here with a few friends and I had to completely replace the new fence I had bought," Misuzu hummed, looking me over with a skeptical look.

"New fence?" The twins questioned.

I tried to pull away but Haruhi had a grip of steel.

"No, remember, I told you that he was innocent, he was the one who tried to fix the fence," Haruhi reminded.

Misuzu rolled her eyes and went back inside.

"So, what'd you do to the fence?" Hikaru asked.

"I didn't do anything," I huffed.

"Back to work!" Misuzu called from inside.

Takashi went to go join the others while I went and sat down next to Kyoya.

"Aren't you going to compete for the guest bedroom?" Kyoya asked.

"No way," I scoffed, not knowing why they were all competing to stay here.

"How come? I figured you for one of the top competitors," Kyoya stated.

"Yeah, no. Misuzu hates me so she wouldn't let me stay here if she could help it. I think the only thing keeping her from kicking me out is Haruhi," I stated.

"Oh, due to your friends and the graffitied fence last year?" Kyoya inquired.

I rolled my eyes. I wasn't even going to ask how he got that information.

"Hey, Ru-Ru, can you help with the weeding? I have to rewash the laundry again since the helicopter got the sheets all dirty," Haruhi requested.

"Sure," I said with a soft sigh. I tied my hair up in a small ponytail and walked over to the garden. Haruhi handed me her gloves and I went to work.

I started by pulling out the thistles and then the knotweed. 

"Hey! Cut it out! That's cold!" Kaoru laughed as he ran by.

I let out a surprised yelp when I was suddenly doused with cold water.

"Sorry Ru-Senpai!" Hikaru called as he ran by with the hose.

"Great," I grumbled, sitting up on my knees. I pulled my shirt off and rang it out.

I got up and walked over to Haruhi with my wet shirt in hand.

"Hey, Haru, can you hang this up for me?" I asked.

"Twins got you, huh?" She scoffed, taking my shirt and clipping it up with a few clothes pins. I only nodded.

I went back to pulling weeds. After a few minutes, I noticed a shadow covering my own.

"Hey, Misuzu, what can I do for you?" I asked hesitantly, getting up and turning around to face her.

"What are you doing?" She interrogated.

"Haruhi asked me to do some weeding, so I decided to help her out," I stammered.

"What's with the yellowish spots on your chest? They look like bruises," Misuzu pointed out.

"Oh," I blurted, forgetting that my bruises weren't completely healed from when Kyoya cracked a few of my ribs in his attempt to resuscitate me.

"Well, did you get into a fight?" Misuzu questioned accusingly.

"I... yeah, with my dad. He doesn't like me very much," I lied. Sorta.

Misuzu gave me another one of her skeptical looks but let me go back to work. A few minutes later she walked by and dropped a plain white muscle shirt near me.

"Put that on. I don't want to upset my guests," She stated. 

I swallowed thickly and did as I was told. I was grateful she hadn't kicked me out already.

The soft melodic song of the piano filled the evening air. Looks like Tamaki found the piano.

"Look out!" I heard Kaoru's voice yell distantly followed by a loud crash. I was up instantly, quickly rushing to the side of the Pension where I heard the crash.

I arrived to see Hikaru holding his brother tightly while Haruhi sat there in shock.

"Are you guys alright?" I asked worriedly, going up to Haruhi and the twins.

"I just got a little cut, I'll be alright," Kaoru reassured.

"Haruhi, are you alright?" I questioned, helping her up and checking her over.

"I'm fine, I promise," She stammered. I let out a soft sigh of relief.

"A hundred refresher points for refreshing brotherly love! A perfect score! And the victory goes to the Hitachiin brothers!" Misuzu announced, making me jump.

"Wow, congrats guys," Haruhi said nonchalantly.

"Oh, it was nothing really," They both said slyly, grinning a mischievous grin.

"You planned that, didn't you? You guys really had me worried! Why would you go to such lengths to win a small competition!" Haruhi scolded the twins who merely pranced off to put their luggage into their new room.

Everyone went to their own cottages for the night while I tagged along with Takashi.

Once we got to the bedroom, I flopped onto the mattress face down, letting out a tired sigh.

"What's wrong?" Takashi asked, sitting down beside me.

I rolled onto my back and sat up, lacing my fingers with Takashi's hand. "Nothing, just tired," I yawned.

Takashi kissed my forehead and then I got up to change into my pajamas. We crawled into bed and Takashi wrapped his arms around my torso, pulling me close.

"Goodnight," I said softly.

"Goodnight," Takashi murmured against my ear.


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