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Third P.O.V.

A sleek black limo pulled up to the apartment complex. The hosts piled out of the limo and started to make their way to Haruhi's apartment for a surprise visit.

Only, they turned out to be the surprised ones when they saw Haruhi's apartment door fly open. She ran to the door next door and started to bang her fist against the wood frantically.

"Ru! Open the door!" She demanded hysterically, the tone in her voice immediately worrying the hosts.

The other hosts went to go up the stairs but Kyoya put his arm out. "Stay here. I mean it," He ordered softly but with an urgent tone. 

Tamaki paused but nodded. Tamaki managed to keep the twins and Honey in the car while Kyoya ran up the stairs. Mori stayed behind to keep Tamaki and the others in check.

"Haruhi? What's going on?" Kyoya asked worriedly, joining Haruhi outside the Han family apartment.

"Ru!" Haruhi sobbed. "He's, He's not answering his phone! He said he was having a really tough time and-"

"Haruhi, take a breath," Kyoya interrupted softly.

"No! I need to get in there because what if he's hurt or worse? You have no idea what he has to deal with so just back off!" Haruhi cried at Kyoya in retaliation.

Kyoya and Haruhi didn't even realize that Mori had walked up next to them. All they noticed was the blur of his foot flying at the door, making it fly open with a loud crash.

Haruhi shoved past the boys and ran into the apartment and straight to where Ru's room. Haruhi threw his bedroom door open and looked around frantically.

"No. No, no, no, no!" Haruhi started to mutter wildly when her eyes landed on the puddle of water escaping from under his bathroom door.

"Haruhi! Stay!" Kyoya shouted, grabbing her and sitting her down on the bed while Mori yanked the door open.

"Kyoya!" Mori called urgently.

Kyoya held Haruhi still while she defiantly tried to break free. "Haruhi, listen to me. You need to call an ambulance, got it?" Kyoya snapped at her.

Haruhi sniffled and nodded while Kyoya let go to join Mori in the bathroom.

Kyoya's heart sank when he saw Ru unresponsive on the ground. Mori had already started compressions. Ru's skin was pale and his lips had turned blue. After Mori had done thirty compressions they switched. Kyoya counted out loud in short breaths as he pushed his hands into Ru's still chest, trying to ignore the cracking of his bones as they pressed down.

"Wake up, God Damn it!" Kyoya shouted, continuing to do compressions.

Within minutes paramedics arrived and rushed everyone outside. Tamaki had wrapped his arms around Haruhi who was now sobbing uncontrollably.

"What's going on? Why isn't anyone telling us anything?" Hikaru asked worriedly from the car, but his question was ignored.

"Haruhi?" A familiar voice called. Everyone's heads turned to see Ranka, Haruhi's father walking up. "What's going on? Someone explain!" Ranka ordered.

"Ranka," Kyoya started softly, gently grabbing their arm and stepping aside so he could explain quietly.

Just as Kyoya had finished explaining the paramedics exited the apartment with Ru on the stretcher.

"Oh my God," Ranka gasped quietly following the paramedics into the ambulance. "Keep an eye on her, I'll be in touch!" Ranka ordered before she disappeared behind the ambulance doors.

"Is Ru-Ru okay?" Honey asked from the car.

"We don't know. He's going to the hospital to make sure," Mori stated stoically.

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