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I don't know how or when but my father got a retrial for the custody hearing. My mother said I wasn't allowed to go. All I know is that Yuzuha sure seemed worried. He had hired his best lawyers.

He also said that it should've been impossible to get a retrial. So it probably meant my father had bribed someone.

"Ru-Senpai, are you okay?" I heard Kyoya ask during lunch.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm okay, why?" I inquired, coming out of my thoughts.

"You seem pretty out of it today. Is something on your mind?" He questioned.

I shook my head, "No, Just a little tired is all," I lied with a soft smile. I was glad Kyoya left it at that.

The intercom then beeped indicating an announcement.

"Would Han, Ru, please report to the front desk. Han, Ru, to the front desk. Thank you," The announcement said.

I sighed and stood up.

"I'll see you guys at club!" I chimed, with a small wave before leaving the room.

When I got to the front desk I was shocked to see my father standing there with the chairman.

"Ru, I was just speaking with your father, he's going to be taking you home early today, giving how stressful your situation has been. So we'll see you tomorrow. Rest up!" The Chairman grinned, patting my shoulder and shaking my father's hand once again.

Despite the chairman's bubbly personality, all I could feel was fear. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and I could hear my blood rushing in my ears.

I got into the back of my dad's car and buckled my seatbelt.

"In case you haven't heard, I now have full custody. Your mother has a supervised visit with you once a month. So you need to heed by my rules, do you understand?" My Dad said calmly.

"Yes sir," I said softly.

"Now, I don't want you going to that peppy rich school anymore. Tomorrow you're going back to public school," He stated.

"But Dad, I have a free ride. A scholarship. This is for my future! I can't get half of the connections I need through public school that I can get at Ouran!" I argued.

"Shut up! What did I say? I don't give a damn about your scholarship. You're following in my footsteps and starting from scratch. You need to learn not everything is handed to you!" He snapped at me.

"Also, I don't want you talking to those rich friends of yours either. They're just going to end up using you," He grumbled.

I didn't say anything after that.

When I got home my father confiscated my phone and laptop, meaning I didn't have any outside communication. He had told me that I was grounded until further notice and that the only place I'd be going was school and back here. I wasn't even allowed to go to Haruhi's.

"Well, well, well, look at what the cat dragged in? Long time no see Ru-Ru," I heard Daisuke laugh as I walked into my old classroom about a week later.

"Piss off," I growled, sitting down at my desk.

When my first class was over I went to one of the school phones on the wall and called my mother.

"Hello, this is Nakagawa, Yuzuha," I heard my step father say into the phone.

"Dad, it's Ru," I said softly.

"Ru! We've been calling you, what's going on? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Bao took away my phone and laptop. I just wanted to know what happened?" I said.

Yuzuha sighed deeply. "You're father knew the judge and also used your mother's substance abuse history against her and since I wasn't able to legally adopt you there wasn't anything I could do. I'm sorry," He explained gently.

"Mr. Han, class is about to start, finish it up!" One of the teachers barked at me from their classroom.

"I got to go, bye Dad," I said before hanging up the phone.

I managed to skip class and stopped at a electronics store on my way home. I bought a burner phone with unlimited minutes for four months. When I got home I locked myself in my room and started plugging in everyone's number that I had memorized.

I shot Haruhi a text and explained everything and asked her not to give my number to the hosts. With the way things were going, I didn't want them to get involved if my dad confiscated my phone.

"Dad, can I ask you a question?" I asked at the dinner table later that night.

"What?" He griped, taking a bite of his food. 

"Haruhi saw me on the way home from school today and was wondering if I could eat dinner with them on Saturday. Would that be okay?" I asked cautiously.

I jumped when my father slammed his fist into the table.

"How many God Damn times do I have to tell you? You're not leaving this house unless it's for school. I told you they were a bad influence on you," He shouted.

"But It's Haruhi, we've known them for years. She lives next door. I don't see why I can't," I argued.

I jumped and let out a sharp yelp when my father lunged across the table and grabbed a fist full of my hair.

"I said no. So drop it," He growled.

He let go of me and I swallowed thickly.

I went to my room after supper and locked myself in my room. I quietly unlocked the window, placing a magnet on the sensor of the window alarm. I slipped out and left my window open a crack.

I knocked on Haruhi's window and it flew open.

"Ru, where have you been?" Haruhi hissed, letting me in.

"My dad took my phone and he's making me go to the public school," I whispered as she shut her window.

"So you're not allowed to leave, ever?" Haruhi questioned. I shook my head.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this, Haru. I don't know what to do," I quaked, trying my best not to cry.

I've never felt so isolated. 

Haru wrapped her arms around me tightly. "We'll figure something out, I promise," She reassured me gently.

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